php-plantumlwriter copied to clipboard
Create UML diagrams from your PHP source.
A tool to create PlantUML class diagrams from your PHP source.
Currently the following language features are supported:
- Property and method visibility
- Static properties and methods
- Method return types from doc comment
- Parameter types from type hinting and doc comment
- Parameter default values
- Class constants with value
- Property types from doc comment
- Property default values
- Implemented interfaces and parent classes
- Abstract classes
To generate the PlantUML code a decent version of PHP will suffice. And you need Composer to install the dependencies:
- Composer (
But for image generation you need:
- Java Runtime
Phar generation
php-plantumlwriter uses Box 2 library to generate a single .phar file containing everything required for the usage.
To create the .phar file from sources just run:
$ box build
To generate the PlantUML code for WriteCommand.php
php bin/php-plantumlwriter write src/Flagbit/Plantuml/Command/WriteCommand.php > WriteCommand.puml
which will output
class Flagbit.Plantuml.Command.WriteCommand {
#execute(input: Symfony.Component.Console.Input.InputInterface, output: Symfony.Component.Console.Output.OutputInterface)
class Flagbit.Plantuml.Command.WriteCommand extends Symfony.Component.Console.Command.Command
Now you can convert your puml
file to a png
java -jar plantuml.jar WriteCommand.puml
The resulting png should look like this:
If you have a large class with lots of methods you can suppress method printing using the --without-methods
php bin/php-plantumlwriter write --without-methods path/to/your/LargeClass.php
Other available options are --without-properties
and --without-constants
You can also generate a whole directory at once:
php bin/php-plantumlwriter write path/to/directory
Or multiple files or directories:
php bin/php-plantumlwriter write path/to/ClassOne.php path/to/ClassTwo.php path/to/directory
Known Issues
- Imported classes are currently not handled correctly if read from doc comment
(use-Statement is not fully evaluated) which affects return values and property
use Namespace\B
will be evaluated and expanded butuse Namespace\B as C
is not yet de-aliased. - The Namespace Seperator is "." and not "".
- Traits are not yet supported. See #4
Future Plans
- Add support for class relations, maybe with quantifiers. This could be parsed from
the doc comments. We could also guess the foreign quantifier (
@var OtherClass
as "..1" and@var OtherClass[]
as "..*"), but we can't determine our quantifier. If doctrine annotations are present we can use them. - Evaluate Implementation of Visitor Pattern
- Implement own set of Interfaces