David Fischer
David Fischer
... And put some parts of the source-code (e.g. class StatisticsThread) into the right file (maybe outside of oscied_lib). ... And re-launch tasks from cleanup thread ... Not revoke them....
Echoing the JSON of the error is not the best way to encourage to log-in ;-)
Threads : T1, T2 [T1] api_client.auth = auth1 [T2] api_client.auth = auth2 [T2] len(api_client.users)
Remark : Draft HLS transcoding script, by Jérémie Mathieu Rossier ffmpeg -re -i "$1" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -frames:v 12 -b:v 200k -filter:v scale=416:234 -c:a:0 libvo_aacenc...
To avoid generating the same hostname for two workers (to ensure that revoke task will be send to the right worker).
It would be really interesting that Orchestra does not allow sending MPEG-DASH publication tasks to publication points that enabled Apache H.264 Mod Streaming as this module conflict with MPEG-DASH delivery....