pixi-viewport copied to clipboard
toWorld() not working
Here is an example, where I draw a simple grid and a line, then I click on the line. Instead of getting the proper coords, I get something more or less close. Here is an example: You may clone the example from my github https://github.com/lucafabbian/pixi-issue
import './style.css'
import { Application, Graphics } from 'pixi.js'
import { Viewport } from 'pixi-viewport'
const app = new Application();
await app.init({ antialias:true, width: 200, height: 400, backgroundColor: 0xffffff, resolution: window.devicePixelRatio });
const viewport = new Viewport({
// these do not change a thing:
//screenWidth: 200,
//screenHeight: 400,
//worldHeight: 400,
//worldWidth: 200,
events: app.renderer.events
minScale: 0.1,
maxScale: 2,
// create a grid of 50
const ZOOM = 10
const grid = new Graphics()
grid.stroke({ width: 2, color: 0xeeeeee });
const step = 50
const max = 50 * step
for(let i = -max; i < max; i+=step){
grid.moveTo(-max * ZOOM, i * ZOOM).lineTo(max *ZOOM, i*ZOOM)
grid.moveTo(i*ZOOM, -max*ZOOM).lineTo(i*ZOOM, max*ZOOM)
grid.stroke({ width: 1*ZOOM, color: 0xeeeeee });
// draw a single line from (0,0) to (0,20)
const line = new Graphics().moveTo(0,0).lineTo(0, 20 * ZOOM).stroke({ width: 1*ZOOM, color: 0x111111 });
// print clicked points
app.canvas.onmouseup = (e) => {
console.log(e.x, e.y)
const p = viewport.toWorld(e.x, e.y)
console.log('p', p)