Davide Marrone
Davide Marrone
Yes it seems a bug on AWS, I will try to open a case also if I know it will take a long time and is not guarantee that they...
thank you, I will update here if I have some answers from AWS
anyway I think should be also a quite important topic on your side. If I send a message to tigase to a user that is offline, and the DB is...
This is the exception: ``` [2023-04-28 17:00:19:922] [WARNING ] [ in_4-amp ] JDBCMsgRepository.storeMessage() : Problem adding new entry to DB: java.sql.SQLException: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option...
I'm having a big argue with AWS support about this bug, basically they says: ``` I have conducted some testing in my lab and have observed the same outcome as...
I have also found this article: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/improve-application-availability-on-amazon-aurora/ that exactly explains this problem, is written by AWS developers, as described in the article: **"the client kept trying to connect to the...
> This exception is not connection exception but merely execution exception so Tigase successfully connected (TCP connection) to the instance (albeit wrong one) and persist the connection got it >...
The AWS developers has given an official response in the comments of: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/improve-application-availability-on-amazon-aurora/ TL;DR -> They are not going to make any changes so must be handled from tigase side
It is exactly what I commented on: wait until the DNS update and then bring both instances up. But I guess that by doing it this way, they have to...
Ok, thanks for the feedback, I will try to swap the JDBC driver