Davide Marrone
Davide Marrone
https://github.com/tigase/tigase-server/blob/tigase-server-8.1.2/src/main/java/tigase/auth/CredentialsEncoderBean.java in the 8.1.2 it was with ths S! `credentialsEncoders` instead of `credentialEncoders` as described in the doc
If I understood correctly, since I'm using `user-login-query` I MUST enable the `credentialEncoders` for `MD5-USERNAME-PASSWORD` I have changed the config like this: ``` authRepository { default () { 'user-login-query' =...
> Hmm... it's because we support upgrading only from 3 "big" versions back, thus you could upgrade to 8.2.* from 7.2.x (7.2 -> 8.0 -> 8.1). If you want to...
it seems that finally we made it
thank you for the feedback, unfortunately from my tests it seems that it does not work. I have done several tries and also after 10/20 minutes tigase does not reconnect....
> > In the comment I see: "we are caching ourselves" what does this exactly mean? There is some other cache level somewhere else? > > There is a cache...
I have done a test upgrading to 8.2.2 but I have the same problem, I have also tried to add `useCallableMysqlWorkaround = 'true'` just to test if this could be...
I'm triggering the failover from the console, please note that I'm using an AWS aurora cluster with mysql compatible with 5.7 (and not AWS RDS multi az that has a...
I have made the test during the failover, the mysql client do not trigger any error but then if I make a query this is the result: ``` mysql> select...
I have found the same problem described here: https://proxysql.com/blog/failover-comparison-in-aurora-mysql-2-10-0-using-proxysql-vs-auroras-cluster-endpoint/