Davide Marrone
Davide Marrone
Hi, I have been able to upgrade the vesion changing the collation to `utf8_general_ci` ``` [2023-10-05 15:30:54:159] [CONFIG ] [ main ] DBSchemaLoader.init() : Parameters: [adminPassword: ****, admins: null, dbHostname:...
> Could you try running upgrade-schema with `-L ALL` parameter? I have to call with: `./scripts/tigase.sh upgrade-schema -L ALL etc/tigase.conf` ? > Could you also check if the distribution package...
ok thanks, tomorrow I will try to update to 8.1.x and I will let you know
It worked: ``` [2023-10-06 07:08:58:051] [CONFIG ] [ main ] DBSchemaLoader.init() : Parameters: [adminPassword: null, admins: null, dbHostname: dbhostname:3306, dbName: tigasedb, dbPass: dbPassword, dbRootPass: dbPassword, dbRootUser: dbuser, dbType: mysql, dbUser:...
actually there is a big problem, the migration seems that worked but there is a "bug" somewhere. I cannot authenticate to the new instance and I see that in tig_user_credentials...
ok thanks, I saw the same values and I (wrongly) assumed that there was the bug there. I have added in the config ``` authRepository { default () { 'user-login-query'...
Ok, it works also the migration directly to 8.1.2. Thank you, the only strange thing noted on the startup is: ``` [2023-10-06 14:40:42:381] [WARNING ] [ main ] AbstractBeanConfigurator.registerBeans(): unknown...
> You would have to create your own decoder based on [`MD5UsernamePasswordCredentialsEntry.java`](https://github.com/tigase/tigase-server/blob/1e1a35073ae9315e680f5a305d24ffedee2df010/src/main/java/tigase/auth/credentials/entries/MD5UsernamePasswordCredentialsEntry.java) and modify `verifyPlainPassword()` method by converting result of `getUsername(user)` to lowercase. Afterwards you can disable `'MD5-USERNAME-PASSWORD' () {}`...
ok, we will use our AUTH in the future making more test, at the moment I have to migrate from 7.1 to 8.1.2 that is compatible for the DB migration....
I have noticed in the logs: ``` [2023-10-09 11:33:58:124] [WARNING ] [ main ] AbstractBeanConfigurator.registerBeans(): unknown class null for bean credentialEncoders, skipping registration of a bean ``` isn't the configuration...