David Dahl
David Dahl
It would be nice to create a standard class with standard methods to allow for easy adding of social proof published sites. So, extract out the Gist code and reddit...
Sound will make this fun
Also, see: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-return-await
There is a test for signature verification in `test/index.js`, but a full on test suite needs to be created at least for the code in `src/index.js`
each peer can create new channels for peers to subscribe to The channel names should be unique hashes - the channels can be advertised to followers perhaps? A channel's meta...
When `peer joined` is triggered, we immediately update the profile in the peers view with the generic IPFS `peerId`, sometimes the peer broadcast to the room takes a bit to...
- [ ] Improve Identity view layout - [x] Create es6 class-based `yo-yo` component like: https://github.com/IBM/ipfs-social-proof/blob/master/client/components/public-key-card.js
The level db is no doubt great for binary data, but is too much trouble for application JSON docs. https://github.com/IBM/ipfs-social-proof/pull/11 and https://github.com/IBM/ipfs-social-proof/blob/following-peers-persistence/src/db.js
use case: a new peer subscribes to the `IPFS_SOCIAL_PROOF` topic and should immediately broadcast its identity information: pubkey, handle, etc. see: https://github.com/IBM/ipfs-social-proof/blob/master/src/index.js#L93 Peers should update the peer list. It may...