David Calhoun

Results 18 issues of David Calhoun

Thank you for this great library! [pointGrid](https://turfjs.org/docs/#pointGrid) is really handy for creating stub data, and it's great to be able to pass properties to each point in the options. Each...


It would be really nice to be able to specify a timeout on labels, so they don't close immediately after mousing away. This can be done with a setTimeout, and...

Would be nice to have! See these links: http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-zoomanimation http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-markerzoomanimation

The docs fail to mention that vapor.js is, among other things, a JavaScript-to-JavaScript transpiler.

More context: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-09-22-github-actions-transitioning-from-node-16-to-node-20/ 👍 > Node 16 has reached its [end of life](https://github.com/nodejs/Release/#end-of-life-releases), prompting us to initiate its deprecation process for GitHub Actions. Our plan is to transition all actions...

### Target Use Case It would be nice to have a way to keep a Heatmap rendering consistently across multiple zoom levels. Currently zooming in results in significant changes to...


Not sure what's up - it ran through several iterations of each test and took a few minutes, but I ended up with no results. Thanks in advance, I appreciate...

### Description This error is triggered when importing `testLayer`: ``` import { testLayer } from "@deck.gl/test-utils"; // error: `Failed to created device 'undefined': Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')`...
