David Brochart

Results 266 issues of David Brochart

It looks like sending a `shutdown_request` with `content`: ```json { "restart": true } ``` doesn't restart the kernel, although it is specified in [the kernel protocol](https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/messaging.html#kernel-shutdown).

With ipykernel it is already possible to `await` at the top-level. [akernel](https://github.com/davidbrochart/akernel) takes this behavior one step further by launching each cell in a task, allowing for concurrent cell execution....

It looks like restarting is not supported after a shutdown ([`restart` is not used](https://github.com/jupyter-xeus/xeus/blob/4d9ad257b2b580c303b3c682f2cfd9d947548d9f/src/xkernel_core.cpp#L356)).

### Problem The widgets don't appear in the documentation, e.g.: https://ipycytoscape.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#simple-example.


Just wanted to share this issue in case someone has ideas. ### Problem With pyolite we can now get a user input with: ```python i = await input() ``` which...


I believe rioxarray loads the whole data array before reprojecting. Reprojecting a data array chunk by chunk would allow to handle much bigger data. It would also remain in the...


#### Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible ```python import rioxarray import xarray xds = xarray.open_dataarray("test/test_data/input/MODIS_ARRAY.nc") # xds.shape is (200, 200) bounds = xds.rio.bounds() xdsc = xds.rio.pad_box( minx=bounds[0], miny=bounds[1], maxx=bounds[2],...


@snowman2 [mentioned](https://github.com/corteva/geocube/issues/41#issuecomment-724040357) using [dask-geopandas](https://github.com/geopandas/dask-geopandas) to rasterize in chunks using Dask. I just tried and it doesn't seem to work out of the box. Here is an example: ```py from functools...


### Problem In https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyverse/pull/191 we are experimenting with a new [kernels REST API](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter_server/issues/900) for code execution when RTC is enabled: instead of letting the front-end deal with the low-level kernel...

Currently, ipywidgets is based on [traitlets](https://traitlets.readthedocs.io) for validating and observing data. [Pydantic](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io) is a modern library for data validation. Could Pydantic replace traitlets in ipywidgets?