David Brochart

Results 272 issues of David Brochart

### Problem The [fps-webdav](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyverse/tree/c6d7f877338731ca10fb9c66eb394dd1b67d7a35/plugins/webdav) plugin has its own authentication and authorization system, separate from e.g. [fps-auth](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyverse/tree/c6d7f877338731ca10fb9c66eb394dd1b67d7a35/plugins/auth). Also, `fps-webdav` could play a similar role as [fps-contents](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyverse/tree/c6d7f877338731ca10fb9c66eb394dd1b67d7a35/plugins/contents), with finer-grained permissions (per folder,...


It looks like [type checks fail with SQLAlchemy 2.0](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyverse/actions/runs/4049279756/jobs/6965465303). I have pinned `sqlalchemy >=1,


### Problem To some extend, a Jupyter server allows to transfer data to a client, that can then work with it, even offline. This is even more the case with...


### Problem Currently, terminals are rendered in JupterLab with [xterm.js](https://xtermjs.org), and the backend serves the "terminal protocol" over WebSocket. This allows collaboration, as the back-end broadcasts terminal events to all...


### Problem The `IdentityHandler` expects `GET /api/me` to have a ["permissions" query parameter](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter_server/blob/9106e059f74353701621fd83e39584a910060ce0/jupyter_server/services/api/handlers.py#L72) whose value is a stringified JSON blob. From a user point of view, this looks like an...


### Problem We have extracted out [jupyter-server-terminals](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter_server_terminals), should we do the same for kernels? ### Proposed Solution Create a `jupyter-server-kernels` package. ### Additional context This would allow to proxy the...


`load_other_extensions` is currently not a trait, although [the comments say it is](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_server/blob/fe6cee35d5a79060e7122be52f28071ec642e291/jupyter_server/extension/application.py#L142-L145). It would be nice if we could run an application directly and override its default value with `--load_other_extensions=True/False`.


I couldn't find any Python bindings for the Rust implementation, and I started [pycrdt](https://github.com/jupyter-server/pycrdt) which is currently specific to [Yrs](https://github.com/y-crdt/y-crdt/tree/main/yrs), but I was wondering if `pycrdt` could be CRDT-agnostic, for...

Should we rewrite the [TUI](https://github.com/mamba-org/boa/blob/main/boa/tui/tui.py) using [Textual](https://textual.textualize.io/)? :smile:

@agronholm This is what I was thinking about, to check if container components are started. I can add tests if you think this is fine.