django-mysql-shard copied to clipboard
A Model for Django Models to inherit (and utilities) for abstracting horizontal sharding on MySQL. Follow the instructions and grow tables infinitely.
A Model for Django Models to inherit (and utilities) for abstracting horizontal sharding on MySQL. Follow the instructions and grow tables infinitely.
This is essentially a port of Instagram's methods:
And uses lots of inspiration from Disqus:
Why not just do range based?
Because all new entries would just end up on one machine rather than balance. Range based is good for things that are read in a balanced way.
Why not just use a NoSQL database?
Relations in your code and/or in your database? I like having some relations in the database.
On each MySQL machine, build the hash generator thing:
gcc -shared -fPIC -o -I /usr/include/mysql
sudo cp -rfp /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
Then, on each machine execute, change this line in create_shard_table.sql and replace 5 with each MySQL shard ID number. Just make sure each MySQL machine has a different number.
DECLARE shard_id int DEFAULT 5;
Then run the MySQL:
mysql -uroot -pasdfasdf dbname < create_shard_table.sql
Now if you run:
mysql> select next_sharded_id();
| next_sharded_id() |
| 247562734190477317 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
import bistring
a = bitstring.BitArray(bin(247562734190477317))
#print part where shard_id exists
shard_id = a[41:49].int
And there's your shard_id. I hope you can imagine what we're going to do with that! It means that any object we get will tell us where it lives without a lookup.
What we'll go over next is how to integrate this all into django -- Inserts will put the file into its proper shard. Selects will map-reduce to get all of the matching queries in all of the shards.