alacritty-theme copied to clipboard
Making it slightly easier to change my terminal's color scheme
Alacritty Theme
A simple command line tool to report on and toggle between different color schemes for the terminal emulator Alacritty.
See here for an example of the how you can change your alacritty.yml
configuration file to allow for toggling between different colors schemes. Most of the configuration file has been omitted, only the relevant parts remain where there is the addition of a new key color_schemes
that is a mapping to different color schemes you want to have available. Node anchors on each scheme allow referencing these schemes by referencing them in the colors
# Here's a simplified example
my_theme: &my_theme
# Here would be a mapping that Alacritty expects to find in
# the `colors` attribute, like the one below.
colors: *my_theme
For Vim Users
I'd also like to share how I use this with Vim to align the background of my Vim instance with the background I'm using in Alacritty. It's actually really nice.
For reference, I'm using the Gruvbox color scheme in Vim, which works quite well with light and dark backgrounds.
" This function will set Vim's background to "light" or "dark"
" depending on if the current color scheme Alacritty is using
" has those keywords in its name.
function! AlignBackground()
let &background = ( system('alacritty-theme current') =~ "light" ? "light" : "dark" )
hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
" This function will toggle Alacritty's color scheme back and
" forth between light and super_dark themes. You can find them
" in their entirety in `test/alacritty.yml` in this repository.
function! ToggleAlacrittyTheme()
if (system('alacritty-theme current') =~ "light")
call system('alacritty-theme change gruvbox_super_dark')
call system('alacritty-theme change gruvbox_light')
call AlignBackground()
nmap <leader>l :call ToggleAlacrittyTheme()<cr>
call AlignBackground()