As the readme says, these fields are ignored on Web: maxWidth, maxHeight, aspectRatio, aspectRatioPresets. Then, how can I set aspectRatio in Flutter Web?
Hi, friends! My main page body is a SmartRefresher ( pull_to_refresh: ^2.0.0 ) with a child of ListView. When I use a SideMenu, the main page successfully changed to a...
In mqttjs, I use heart beat to keep connection alive, code like: // send heart beat which is pingreq client.value.on("packetsend", packet => { console.log( moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") + ` send ${packet.cmd}`...
In mqttjs, I use heart beat to keep connection alive, code like: // send heart beat which is pingreq client.value.on("packetsend", packet => { console.log( moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") + ` send ${packet.cmd}`...