David Bernard
David Bernard
I forked the template a did some change to show some of the possibility of ffizer (vs git clone): https://github.com/davidB/amethyst-starter-2d/commit/1cae40179191eee98f2a5a771690f3a025129a52 - define project name as variables - generate gitignore from...
Hi All, This the current list of what I found: - [plotters - Another Plotting Library in Rust](https://crates.io/crates/plotters) generate static images (raster or vector) on file or into html canvas...
I investigated about this issue, because 2 persons report this issue to my kubectl plugin: - [Error trying to connect: The certificate was not trusted](https://github.com/davidB/kubectl-view-allocations/issues/11) - [Doesn't work with (some)...
compementary info extracted from: ["Certificate not standards compliant" on macOS Catalina, iOS 13 · Issue #174 · FiloSottile/mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/issues/174) > 825 comes from the CAB forum bylaws for certificates. All of...
An other alternatives: use curl (via its crate) instead of reqwest: ``` --- with curl --- {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot get path \"/\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{},"code":403} --- with reqwest --- Error: reqwest::Error {...
iirc, I tried the mitigation "trust the root certificate into the keychain store" and it didn't work (like the screenshot about safari at https://github.com/clux/kube-rs/issues/89#issuecomment-568269142)
Ok, I already copy/adapt a small part (ask passphrase for default id_rsa) as part of the v 0.2.0. You're right the parsing of my .ssh/config failed. Thanks.
wahoo nearly one year, but no update about parsing `.ssh/config` :-( , I'll redo a test after work and try to provide a minimal sample that failed
Hi, I finally take time to copy+adapt your code to parse .ssh/config into git2_credential [:sparkles: parse the .ssh/config file to search what key file to use … · davidB/git2_credentials@28cebc4](https://github.com/davidB/git2_credentials/commit/28cebc4b389eb063715107969f5f1298d6aba19d) This...
This error means that the context `kubernetes-admin@prod-foo` define as current context is not defined into the loaded kubeconfig. Does the context fully (user & server) defined into the file `/Users/furkan.turkal/.kube/config-foo`...