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create a jenkins pipeline which uses terraform to manage AWS resources

Create a Jenkins Pipeline to Deploy a terraform Stack


This is a lab to demonstrate using a Jenkinfile pipeline which will use docker and terraform to create resources in AWS

The file can be used to install Jenkins running on Centos7.

Docker is installed as the Jenkinsfile pipeline will run terraform in a Docker container

The Jenkins URL is

To get the Jenkins initial admin password, run this command:

cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

After initializing Jenkins; install the recommended plugs and (optionally) the Blue Ocean plugin


IAM user AWS credentials should be saved on the host instance at /root/.aws/ - these are mapped to and used by the Docker container when running the pipeline. Ensure the permissons for the IAM user are sufficient to complete all tasks/create all resources required by the pipeline

More information is available here:


Create a pipeline job, then within the Pipeline configuration set the definition to Pipeline script from SCM. Add your repository URL, the Script Path will automatically be set to Jenkinsfile.

In this example, the Jenkinsfile pipeline will create a security group in the default VPC in eu-west-2