
Results 35 comments of david-swift

I added support for CSV in a49c0ff and for importing a file's content directly in 66deca2. I'll add support for exporting directly to files later.

https://github.com/david-swift/Memorize/assets/106754840/5b24aa3c-c7af-4aea-8ec2-4deee90bdf52 The app is way more adaptive since dac9bdd. Do you think it can already be called _fully_ adaptive, or would there some other changes be needed?

Yes, it is! Thanks for working on this!

You can get the user data directory's URL using [`State.userDataDir()`](https://github.com/AparokshaUI/adwaita-swift/blob/24255bc01547cd74c7ce0eaaefce6a1b2b4f5ab2/Sources/Adwaita/Model/Data%20Flow/State.swift#L122). Then, construct the full URL using URL's [`appendingPathComponent`](https://github.com/AparokshaUI/adwaita-swift/blob/24255bc01547cd74c7ce0eaaefce6a1b2b4f5ab2/Sources/Adwaita/Model/Data%20Flow/State.swift#L137). The app can read and write to all the files in the...

I'm still not sure whether I understand your question. As it seems to be about implementing a custom storage function with state, I've created a type `Database` that does exactly...

Keywords are for sets and help finding certain sets, while tags are for flashcards (used to study certain flashcards only). The tags on the set define the available tags that...

Hm, I think it doesn't really make sense to have each tag available for every set. I personally have tags that are very specific to a single set, and managing...

[`answerCards`](https://github.com/david-swift/Memorize/blob/44609ea6aa96c4161340a7b612554166219dc739/Sources/View/CarouselView.swift#L10) is an array containg the ids of the flashcards that are currently showing the back (answer) side. This code is executed when the [widget gets clicked](https://aparokshaui.github.io/adwaita-swift/documentation/adwaita/view/onclick(handler:)) and toggles between...

You would normally create a `State` variable storing the current state of fetching the rows. The carousel would display the content of this state variable, and the function fetching the...

FetchRequest is SwiftUI-only (meaning only for Apple platforms), I included it as an example for a possible implementation for Adwaita for Swift.