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Python implementation of 'Scalable Recommendation with Hierarchical Poisson Factorization'.
Hierarchical Poisson Factorization
This is a Python package for hierarchical Poisson factorization, a form of probabilistic matrix factorization used for recommender systems with implicit count data, based on the paper Scalable Recommendation with Hierarchical Poisson Factorization (P. Gopalan, 2015).
Although the package was created with recommender systems in mind, it can also be used for other domains, e.g. as a faster alternative to LDA (Latent Ditichlet Allocation), where users become documents and items become words.
Supports parallelization, full-batch variational inference, mini-batch stochastic variational inference (alternating between epochs sampling batches of users and epochs sampling batches of items), and different stopping criteria for the coordinate-ascent procedure. The main computations are written in fast Cython code.
As a point of reference, fitting the model through full-batch updates to the MillionSong TasteProfile dataset (48M records from 1M users on 380K items) took around 45 minutes on a server from Google Cloud with Skylake CPU when using 24 cores.
For a similar package using also item/user side information see ctpfrec.
For a non-Bayesian version which can produce sparse factors see poismf.
Note: this package can also be used from within LensKit, which adds functionalities such as cross-validation and calculation of recommendation quality metrics.
Model description
The model consists in producing a non-negative low-rank matrix factorization of counts data (such as number of times each user played each song in some internet service) Y ~= UV'
, produced by a generative model as follows:
ksi_u ~ Gamma(a_prime, a_prime/b_prime)
Theta_uk ~ Gamma(a, ksi_u)
eta_i ~ Gamma(c_prime, c_prime/d_prime)
Beta_ik ~ Gamma(c, eta_i)
Y_ui ~ Poisson(Theta_u' Beta_i)
The parameters are fit using mean-field approximation (a form of Bayesian variational inference) with coordinate ascent (updating each parameter separately until convergence).
Package is available on PyPI, can be installed with:
pip install hpfrec
Or if that fails:
pip install --no-use-pep517 hpfrec
Note for macOS users: on macOS, the Python version of this package might compile without multi-threading capabilities. In order to enable multi-threading support, first install OpenMP:
brew install libomp
And then reinstall this package: pip install --force-reinstall hpfrec
IMPORTANT: the setup script will try to add compilation flag -march=native
. This instructs the compiler to tune the package for the CPU in which it is being installed (by e.g. using AVX instructions if available), but the result might not be usable in other computers. If building a binary wheel of this package or putting it into a docker image which will be used in different machines, this can be overriden either by (a) defining an environment variable DONT_SET_MARCH=1
, or by (b) manually supplying compilation CFLAGS
as an environment variable with something related to architecture. For maximum compatibility (but slowest speed), it's possible to do something like this:
pip install hpfrec
or, for forcing a maximum-compatibility x86-64 binary:
export CFLAGS="-march=x86-64"
pip install hpfrec
As it contains Cython code, it requires a C compiler. In Windows, this usually means it requires a Visual Studio Build Tools installation (with MSVC140 component for conda
) (or MinGW + GCC), and if using Anaconda, might also require configuring it to use said Visual Studio instead of MinGW, otherwise the installation from pip
might fail. For more details see this guide:
Cython Extensions On Windows
Sample usage
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from hpfrec import HPF
## Generating sample counts data
nusers = 10**2
nitems = 10**2
nobs = 10**4
counts_df = pd.DataFrame({
'UserId' : np.random.randint(nusers, size=nobs),
'ItemId' : np.random.randint(nitems, size=nobs),
'Count' : (np.random.gamma(1,1, size=nobs) + 1).astype('int32')
counts_df = counts_df.loc[~counts_df[['UserId', 'ItemId']].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
## Initializing the model object
recommender = HPF()
## For stochastic variational inference, need to select batch size (number of users)
recommender = HPF(users_per_batch = 20)
## Full function call
recommender = HPF(
k=30, a=0.3, a_prime=0.3, b_prime=1.0,
c=0.3, c_prime=0.3, d_prime=1.0, ncores=-1,
stop_crit='train-llk', check_every=10, stop_thr=1e-3,
users_per_batch=None, items_per_batch=None, step_size=lambda x: 1/np.sqrt(x+2),
maxiter=100, use_float=True, reindex=True, verbose=True,
random_seed=None, allow_inconsistent_math=False, full_llk=False,
alloc_full_phi=False, keep_data=True, save_folder=None,
produce_dicts=True, keep_all_objs=True, sum_exp_trick=False
## Fitting the model to the data
## Fitting the model while monitoring a validation set
recommender = HPF(stop_crit='val-llk')
recommender.fit(counts_df, val_set=counts_df.sample(10**2))
## Note: a real validation should NEVER be a subset of the training set
## Fitting the model to data in batches passed by the user
recommender = HPF(reindex=False, keep_data=False)
users_batch1 = np.unique(np.random.randint(10**2, size=20))
users_batch2 = np.unique(np.random.randint(10**2, size=20))
users_batch3 = np.unique(np.random.randint(10**2, size=20))
recommender.partial_fit(counts_df.loc[counts_df.UserId.isin(users_batch1)], nusers=10**2, nitems=10**2)
## Making predictions
# recommender.topN(user=10, n=10, exclude_seen=True) ## not available when using 'partial_fit'
recommender.topN(user=10, n=10, exclude_seen=False, items_pool=np.array([1,2,3,4]))
recommender.predict(user=10, item=11)
recommender.predict(user=[10,10,10], item=[1,2,3])
recommender.predict(user=[10,11,12], item=[4,5,6])
## Evaluating Poisson likelihood
recommender.eval_llk(counts_df, full_llk=True)
## Determining latent factors for a new user, given her item interactions
nobs_new = 20
counts_df_new = pd.DataFrame({
'ItemId' : np.random.choice(np.arange(nitems), size=nobs_new, replace=False),
'Count' : np.random.gamma(1,1, size=nobs_new).astype('int32')
counts_df_new = counts_df_new.loc[counts_df_new.Count > 0].reset_index(drop=True)
## Adding a user without refitting the whole model
recommender.add_user(user_id=nusers+1, counts_df=counts_df_new)
## Updating data for an existing user without refitting the whole model
chosen_user = counts_df.UserId.values[10]
recommender.add_user(user_id=chosen_user, counts_df=counts_df_new, update_existing=True)
If passing reindex=True
, all user and item IDs that you pass to .fit
will be reindexed internally (they need to be hashable types like str
, int
or tuple
), and you can use these same IDs to make predictions later. The IDs returned by predict
and topN
are these IDs passed to .fit
For a more detailed example, see the IPython notebook recommending songs with EchoNest MillionSong dataset illustrating its usage with the EchoNest TasteProfile dataset.
Documentation is available at readthedocs: http://hpfrec.readthedocs.io
It is also internally documented through docstrings (e.g. you can try help(hpfrec.HPF))
, help(hpfrec.HPF.fit)
, etc.
Serializing (pickling) the model
Don't use pickle
to save an HPF
object, as it will fail due to problems with lambda functions. Rather, use dill
instead, which has the same syntax as pickle:
import dill
from hpfrec import HPF
h = HPF()
dill.dump(h, open("HPF_obj.dill", "wb"))
h = dill.load(open("HPF_obj.dill", "rb"))
Speeding up optimization procedure
For faster fitting and predictions, use SciPy and NumPy libraries compiled against MKL or OpenBLAS. These come by default with MKL in Anaconda installations.
The constructor for HPF allows some parameters to make it run faster (if you know what you're doing): these are allow_inconsistent_math=True
, full_llk=False
, stop_crit='diff-norm'
, reindex=False
, verbose=False
. See the documentation for more details.
Using stochastic variational inference, which fits the data in smaller batches containing all the user-item interactions only for subsets of users, might converge in fewer iterations (epochs), but the results tend be slightly worse.
- Package uses only one CPU core: make sure that your C compiler supports OpenMP (both Visual Studio and GCC do in default installations, but with MinGW you might need additional modules).
- Error with
: see installation instructions (you need to configure your Python installation to use Visual Studio and set the correct paths to libraries). If you are using Python 2, try installing under a Python 3 environment instead and the problem might disappear. - Parameters turn to NaN: you might have run into an unlucky parmeter initialization. Try using a different random seed, or changing the number of latent factors (
). If passingreindex=False
, try changing toreindex=True
The package has only been tested under Python 3.6.
- [1] Gopalan, Prem, Jake M. Hofman, and David M. Blei. "Scalable Recommendation with Hierarchical Poisson Factorization." UAI. 2015.
- [2] Gopalan, Prem, Jake M. Hofman, and David M. Blei. "Scalable recommendation with poisson factorization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.1704 (2013).
- [3] Hoffman, Matthew D., et al. "Stochastic variational inference." The Journal of Machine Learning Research 14.1 (2013): 1303-1347.