@karastojko The option MAILIO_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY is no longer available. This means that mailio is always build as a static library? This option no longer has effect: -DMAILIO_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY=${BUILD_SHARED}
While waiting for @karastojko and my question for MAILIO_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY. find attached my port modifications. ```portfile.cmake vcpkg_from_github( OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH REPO karastojko/mailio REF cc887a7808d9c55e07c8a7503c7ae2e2d7485120 # version_0-21-0 SHA512 7125bfe4274e1e126e335b2e4b5743ef54d5dc0b6fd83f0c10e7578b57924d3e398af6b3865fdee3de587e2e2d7c33d95dbe017b1966649e68cf52f2dd268ee5 HEAD_REF master ) string(COMPARE...
Yes, I tried that. Using this command: ``` vcpkg install opentracing --triplet x64-windows-static ``` That does this definitions in a modified portfile ``` -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_MOCKTRACER=OFF -DBUILD_DYNAMIC_LOADING=OFF ``` I got...
I will...
Found the problem. The CMakeLists.txt in mocktracer/test needs OPENTRACING_MOCK_TRACER_STATIC. I will open an PR.
I will wait for a OpenTracing release to modify the vcpkg portfile. If you don't mind I will keep this case open as a remainder :)
The current settings in vcpkg allows the compilation of shared and shared and static versions. The changes in the PR was to solve a problem in the CMakefiles.txt that prevents...
@LilyWangLL All good! Thanks!
Can you for now fork and let us access the porting in the meantime? I have been looking at the CMake code and is quite complex but, as you say,...
Thanks for the fork @DeadParrot and, yes, you are right, better use -DDESIRED_QT_VERSION