The file `/Users/Shared/vcpkg/buildtrees/libvpx/build-arm64-osx-rel-out.log` is empty. I have a few brew packages installed too. Maybe related?
Same problem using version 1.12. The content of `vcpkg/buildtrees/libvpx/build-arm64-osx-rel-err.log` is: make: *** [.DEFAULT] Error 2 In my M1 MacBook Pro the lib compiles just fine following the instruction in the...
I have a private (not yet in vcpkg) port: https://github.com/david-antiteum/vcpkg-ports/tree/master/ports/mailio You will need to change the REPO, REF and SHA512 as it points to my fork of mailio. Ah! Is...
@karastojko Better in the vcpkg repo. Having the port in the project is OK but misses the point :)
@ga2k mailio is not yet on vcpkg. I will take care next week. Before I will need to fix a few things on this project CMake
Almost there :) You must integrate my changes in CMakeLists.txt or you cannot later found mailio when using: find_package( mailio CONFIG REQUIRED ) I did two changes. 1) Export install(TARGETS...
Ah, and this change too. Required when doing s shared lib build: \- struct content_type_t \+ struct MAILIO_EXPORT content_type_t
What version of the port are you using? What is your triplet? Works for me on Windows, Linux and macOS with version `0.20.0` and port version `1`. I'm using this...
Hi James, I'm using Visual 2019 in Windows but the problem seems in CMake. Which version of CMake are you using? I'm using 3.21.3. But ... looking at pastebin I...
Ah! I have found something. First I was unable to reproduce the issue because I was using a private port :) After deactivating my copy I was able to reproduce...