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Next.js example for including a global stylesheet with HMR

Results 10 next.js-example-with-global-stylesheet issues
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I can’t get [eyeglass]( to work and that seems like the best way to load sass from node_modules. Perhaps the only way in some cases it seems (when reaching for...

Anyone figure out how to get this working with source maps? I've tried using these configs: ```js const path = require('path'); const glob = require('glob'); module.exports = { webpack: config...

e.g. when used with It's not test-related (I am not using Enzyme at all to render stuff) but rather something wrong with the setup For the rest the concept...

Hey works great! I'm trying to extend it to set up a external stylesheet in production for scss -> css using extract text plugin (instead of injecting it into html)...

Hi, I followed your example. While global.scss file does work, when I add the @import "normalize.css"; I get (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) postcss-import: /blablablba/styles/global.scss:1:1: Cannot find...

autoprefixer is invalid module.exports = { plugins: [ require('postcss-easy-import')({prefix: '_'}), // keep this first require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['last 100 versions'], cascade: false }) // so imports are auto-prefixed too ] }

Following your instruction I am able to compile a Sass stylesheet into vanilla CSS and and have it injected into the component's tag. However, I am looking to have the...

Hi, It doesn't seems to work with latest code in styled-jsx master branch which allows for external files i guess they probably do some kind of babel transpiling of...

Sass loader works perfectly i guess but i can't get frameworks like compass and susy to be working alongside. ``` Module build failed: @include container(600px); ^ No mixin named container...

I am trying to wrap my head around this setup as I am trying to support scss for my personal project. Any clarification is appreciated. thanks.