Dav Glass
Dav Glass
Ok, here's some info for you. If I change my test script to: `istanbul --cover -v --print both -- ./node_modules/vows/bin/vows --spec ./tests/full.js` From: `istanbul --cover -v --print both -- vows...
Yeah, I figured as much. If I have some time, I may see what I can come up with to help out since I have a fully functional windows dev...
The reporting works and looks ok. It renders all the `/` in the HTML as `\`, which just doesn't quite look right to me. Besides, the reports should be pretty...
Can you install the latest node on Windows and check it against that first? `0.6.11` is quite old ;)
I don't think this is actually `istanbul`'s job to do this warning, we would have to do a ton of logic to determine if a module path was in a...
You have to move it into the catch to ignore the catch: ``` js try { } catch (e) { /*istanbul ignore next*/ } ```
Looks like `CatchClause` is included in the [syntax](https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul/blob/master/lib/instrumenter.js#L80) but not in the [`Walker`](https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul/blob/master/lib/instrumenter.js#L385-L409). So it's not being parsed.
Until we get a patch in for this, you can work around it with this nasty little hack: ``` js try { } catch (e) { /*istanbul ignore next*/ (function()...
I've never used Jasmine so I'll have to look into how it works in order to figure out what is breaking. Do you have a simple repro case that I...
This may be "ok" in some instances, but `mockery` was designed to work off a "perfect match" so that it's not trying to play guessing games on what module to...