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Entity name wrong in events
In the latest version the entity id which is events is wrong:
Event gives back: binary_sensor.visonic_z04 Read sensor entity is : binary_sensor.visonic_p1_z04
For example, the OpenZoned automation is not working.
I had that issue a few months ago and it is related with panel autonumber. Please see this:
There is a zip file with a that will fix your problem.
Hi, It could be the panel numbering problem so i'd be interested to know the version of the integration that you're using? Are you using the latest version? I removed autonumbering and so that should not be causing problems now.
If you are using the latest version then I'd like to see a log file please (as setup here on my wiki page). If anyone else sees this post, if you report a problem/bug then please upload a log file, even if it's just a fragment that illustrates the issue. Only then can I look in to the problem. D
Hi, I'll close this issue, if there are further problems then please create a new issue, thanks