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What's the latest version of the project and how to use it?
Hi, @ChristopherDavenport thank you for the library! It seems that the latest version of the library according to the github releases (https://github.com/ChristopherDavenport/testcontainers-specs2/releases) is v0.2.0-M2 which was created in Aug 2019 but I see a lot of commits to master branch since then. it also seems that the build/release process has changes since then and the documentation might not be up to date. So just wanted to ask what's the latest version of the lib and how to use it correctly? (I can create a PR with updated documentation once I have this figured out).
Thank you
I agree this is not ideal. In the meantime, you can use the snapshot versions with
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"
Test / libraryDepencencies += "io.chrisdavenport" %% "testcontainers-specs2" % "0.2.0-M3+24-26fb9ebf-SNAPSHOT"
To get the latest version, check the GitHub Action output, or here: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/io/chrisdavenport/testcontainers-specs2_2.13/