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Exclusivity spec helpers for jasmine that let you isolate spec runs to only one `describe` or `it`


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jasmine-only is a standalone plugin that you can load after jasmine that adds mocha-style exclusivity helpers describe.only and it.only to jasmine 1.3.1

Download the latest version here.


The exclusivity feature allows you to run only the specified suite or test-case by appending .only() to the call

here is a simple example:

describe "jasmine-only", ->

  describe "describe.only and it.only", ->

    normal    = jasmine.createSpy('normal spec')
    exclusive = jasmine.createSpy('exclusive spec')

    describe "normal", ->
      it "shouldnt execute this 1", normal
      it.only "it only executes this 1", exclusive

    describe.only "exclusive", ->
      it "shouldnt execute this 2", normal
      it.only "it only executes this 2", exclusive

      describe "nested exclusive", ->
        it.only "it only executes this 3", ->

    describe.only "normal 2", ->
      it "shouldnt execute this 3", normal


jasmine-only has the following aliases for exclusive spec helpers

describe.only can be written as ddescribe

it.only can be written as iit

thanks / prior art

Much of this work is based on existing prior art, thanks to: