David Keogh
David Keogh
Is there a desktop file associated with anaconda-navigator? Could you look in ~/.local/share/applications/ and post it here if so. You might need to create a desktop file if there isn't...
Can someone else test this and see if the bug is fixed?
That's my bad. There were some changes I hadn't meant to commit in there. Try building the version in my branch now.
Thanks. This appears to be fixed on my machine. I can't reproduce the crash anymore.
You can run autogen.sh with the --prefix option just like a configure script. That should probably be added to the readme. I can't personally do any testing on with xfce...
Hello. Thanks for filing bug reports. nsz32 is not around at the moment, so this repository is not going to be modified any time soon. Please take a look at...
This issue may be resolved by: https://github.com/davekeogh/xfce4-docklike-plugin/commit/753b6a5aa80a21e6bfa077b258d642991e41878c Let me know.
@nsz32 I thought I'd bump this. What do you think still needs doing before making a release? I can take care of some of the less complex coding tasks, but...
Hi. I've never done a release of any kind of software and it seems nsz32 is not available to do any work towards this ATM. I could generate some tarballs...
I've created a release over on my github page. Give it a try and let me know if it works: https://github.com/davekeogh/xfce4-docklike-plugin/releases/tag/v0.2.0