Dave Jeffery

Results 57 issues of Dave Jeffery

Can non-async functions that use the await keyword fail at compile-time? I often run into silent errors that cause my app not to run because I've forgotten the async keyword...

The specific error I get (in JS) is: ``` "Uncaught TypeError: Identifier '$targ$0' has already been declared" ``` This is because the `let` variables leak out of the files and...

Strong mode is supported in the new [iojs](https://github.com/yosuke-furukawa/iojs-new-features#strong-mode) and EG seems to do a lot of the optimisations by default anyway so it would be nice to be able to...

Currently I can use the `-p` option to print a prettier (i.e. multi-line) version of the compiled javascript but it doesn't seem to be possible to output the pretty version...


Interpolated strings (`'this is {interpolated}'`) are compiled to JS that uses EG's internal ENODE function. Would it be possible to compile to [ES6 template strings](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/template_strings) instead or is there a...

You're probably aware of this and will fix it for the next release but I'll create an issue just in case. EG doesn't seem to run correctly after installing from...

Is there any syntax highlighting definitions available? Or is there a language that earl grey shares similar syntax with, so I can piggy-back on the syntax highlighting defined for that...

Very minor but it would be nice if there was someway to view the resulting ES6 on the site. I expected the "Try It!" button would let me see what...

What is the recommended way to escape curlies within a template so that they don't get interpolated? For example: ```js var template = "To access properties, surround the property with...

Getting this error in node 10.5.0 when I specify the `acceptFileTypes` option and the uploaded file does not pass. ``` TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function {snip}node_modules/jquery-file-upload-middleware/lib/uploadhandler.js:115:32 ``` This...