> BTW, What is the "properties" key in terms of bringing up the contextual menu via keyboard? sorry the right term is "menu key": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menu_key; on most laptops one needs...
Great!! Many thanks for the new functionalities! :+1: Will you also add the Shift+down/up arrow capability to allow multiple node selection on the same level?
Hi there! And Happy New Year! :) I Wasn't using mindmaps for a while, and now that I got back, I am facing some issues which I will report in...
Hello! wow almost a year passed after my last comment here ;) Been happily using minder ever since, but still missing a lot the possibility of using keys Shift+down/up arrow...
PS: compiling error solved. I had, by mistake, downloaded valac for the wrong CPU type 🤦 successfully built/installed latest master 1.14 version and saving state of folded child nodes works...
Hello! I was going to suggest precisely the same thing, using xdg-open maybe?
Hi, just to add my support to have such option in the preferences; I've lost work a few times after a very difficult to reproduce bug that rarely happens makes...