Dave DeLong

Results 35 issues of Dave DeLong

(v1.1b1) I used a url (`x-ingredients://search/nsstring`) to search for `nsstring`. I switched to another app, then right clicked on the Ingredients dock icon and chose "Quit". The next time I...

(v1.1b1) Steps to reproduce: 1. Quit Ingredients.app (if it is open) 2. In Safari, type this into the address bar: `x-ingredients://search/nsstring`, and then hit `return` 3. Ingredients launches Expected results:...

(v1.1b1) I noticed that the filter area seems to be misaligned by a single pixel. I've uploaded a video showing the problem: http://www.twitvid.com/SGE7T

### Describe the issue URLFormEncoder should be encoding characters like $, but does not ### Vapor version 4.92.5 ### Operating system and version macOS 14.3 ### Swift version 5.9.0 ###...


`someFixedMinute.format(minutes: .twoDigits)` should be using the bare `mm` format string, but it ends up as just `m` when going through the localization process. Same for `Template.twoDigits`.


The `differenceInWhole...` functions should just return `Int` values. The underlying `TimeDifference`, because of the nature of the computation, will only have a single represented value, so the extra indirection is...

good first issue

`Fixed.roundToMultiple(of:direction:)` could be optimized by using modulo arithmetic to try and 'jump' to the rounded values

`Fixed.startOfWeek` performs an O(n) search backwards to find the closest day with the proper `.dayOfWeek` value. This could be short-circuited by attempting to calculate how far away the start of...

This needs a README.

`-[THTTPRequest flush]` enqueues operations onto the main queue and waits until they're finished: ``` [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperations:@[self.httpOperation] waitUntilFinished:YES]; ``` This prohibits developers from writing Foundation tools that do not utilize...