markdown-latex-boilerplate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
markdown-latex-boilerplate copied to clipboard

Request for the makefile to read settigns off config.txt instead

Open mofosyne opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

Okay, here is something windows user might find useful. An equiv to the makefile for this boilerplate. A request has been pushed, and is awaiting your confirmation.

The only issue is that the makefile is hardcoded, so I would like to ask if you can recode the makefile to read off config.txt instead?

Oh and btw I decided to keep the sections as a separate text file. It really make it easier to keep track of sections that way, especially when it becomes very large.

This is the winmake.bat batch file:

ECHO Windows Makefile alternative for markdown-latex-boilerplate
ECHO Command List: "winmake pdf","winmake epub","winmake html": default html


for /f %%i in (config.txt) do (
    for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a IN ("%%i") DO SET "%%a=%%b"


rmdir build /S /q
mkdir build

IF "%COMMAND%"=="pdf" goto pdf
IF "%COMMAND%"=="epub" goto epub
IF "%COMMAND%"=="html" goto html

ECHO Default is HTML
goto html

markdown2pdf --toc -N --bibliography=%REFERENCES% -o ./build/example.pdf --csl=./csl/%CSL%.csl --template=%TEMPLATE% %SECTIONS%
goto exit

pandoc -S -s --biblatex --toc -N --bibliography=%REFS% -o ./build/example.epub -t epub --normalize %SECTIONS%
goto exit

pandoc -S --mathjax="" --section-divs -s --biblatex --toc -N --bibliography=%REFERENCES% -o ./build/example.html -t html --normalize %SECTIONS%
goto exit

ECHO All Done!

This is what the config.txt looks like:


This is what the sections.txt looks like:

mofosyne avatar Mar 28 '15 16:03 mofosyne

Thanks for the pull request! I won't be able to test the winmake file though, so I'll have to take your word for it :) You may want to add some stuff to the README for Windows users.

davecap avatar Mar 29 '15 02:03 davecap

Yea, good idea. Can you change makefile to point to the config.txt for the settings? It's so that if a linux user or windows users edit the config.txt, it will be reflected on both?

mofosyne avatar Mar 29 '15 02:03 mofosyne

Oh btw I had another user test the current pull I sent you. It works on linux now. Can you do another pull request?

mofosyne avatar Mar 01 '16 04:03 mofosyne