David Cader

Results 20 comments of David Cader

Logging as requested: ``` [Informational] Azure-Identity: False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows 10 Enterprise [2023-01-25 12:32:34Z - 57b5d182-5413-405b-b6d5-f69a623676aa] === Request Data === Authority Provided? - True Scopes -...

Yes, I can put something together. I also suspected project settings, given that it did not seem to be a commonly observed problem.

I have created this sample app that follows some of the MVVM patterns that we use in our larger application, including use of System.Reactive and ReactiveUI. You can clone the...

As mentioned, I only observe the problem when I start our app in Visual Studio (2022 17.4.4). Interestingly, If I start our app normally and then start debugging in visual...

Here is the stack trace: StackTrace " at Azure.Core.RequestContent.StreamContent..ctor(Stream stream)\r\n at Azure.ResourceManager.Automation.RunbookDraftRestOperations.CreateReplaceContentRequest(String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, String automationAccountName, String runbookName, Stream runbookContent)\r\n at Azure.ResourceManager.Automation.AutomationRunbookResource.d__28.MoveNext()\r\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\r\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\r\n at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()\r\n...

I thought the problem might have been due to disposing the stream explicitly. However, when I updated the code so that the stream was not disposed the same exception was...

It looks like the stream is being disposed, but our code is not explicitly doing so. Investigating further, but now struggling with an Azure.Identity authentication failure.

I have enabled diagnostics with content logging as requested, but I'm not seeing details of the response in the logs. This is all that I get related to the CreateOrUpdate...

Same issue as well. The RadioButton with ControlTemplate does not recognize click events. Tested on Android.

Due to the many, many problems with Maui, particularly on iPhones, our team has moved to Xcode. Unfortunately, Maui in its current form is not in any way suitable for...