clean-html icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
clean-html copied to clipboard

HTML cleaner and beautifier for Node

HTML cleaner and beautifier

NPM Stats

Do you have crappy HTML? I do!

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td height="31"><b>Currently we have these articles available:</b>

              <p><a href="foo.html">The History of Foo</a><br />    
                An <span color="red">informative</span> piece  of <font face="arial">information</font>.</p>
              <p><A HREF="bar.html">A Horse Walked Into a Bar</A><br/> The bartender said
                "Why the long face?"</p>

Just look at those blank lines and random line breaks, trailing spaces, mixed tabs, deprecated tags - it's outrageous!

Let's clean it up:

var cleaner = require('clean-html'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    filename = process.argv[2];

fs.readFile(filename, function (err, data) {
    cleaner.clean(data, function (html) {

Running this script on the file above produces the following output:

      <b>Currently we have these articles available:</b>
          <a href="foo.html">The History of Foo</a>
          An <span>informative</span> piece of information.
          <a href="bar.html">A Horse Walked Into a Bar</a>
          The bartender said "Why the long face?"

You can pass additional options to the clean function like this:

var options = {
    'add-remove-tags': ['table', 'tr', 'td', 'blockquote']

cleaner.clean(data, options, function (html) {

In this case, it produces:

<b>Currently we have these articles available:</b>
  <a href="foo.html">The History of Foo</a>
  An <span>informative</span> piece of information.
  <a href="bar.html">A Horse Walked Into a Bar</a>
  The bartender said "Why the long face?"

Sanity restored!



Adds line breaks before and after comments.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


Tags that should have line breaks added before and after.

Type: Array
Default: ['body', 'blockquote', 'br', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'hr', 'link', 'meta', 'p', 'table', 'title', 'td', 'tr']


The string to use for indentation. e.g., a tab character or one or more spaces.

Type: String
Default: ' ' (two spaces)


Attributes to remove from markup.

Type: Mixed Array (strings or RegExp pattern)
Default: ['align', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'color', 'height', 'target', 'valign', 'width']


Removes comments.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Tags to remove from markup if empty.

Type: Mixed Array (strings or RegExp pattern)
Default: []


Tags to always remove from markup. Nested content is preserved.

Type: Mixed Array (strings or RegExp pattern)
Default: ['center', 'font']


Replaces non-breaking white space entities (&nbsp;) with regular spaces.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


The column number where lines should wrap. Set to 0 to disable line wrapping.

Type: Integer
Default: 120

Adding values to option lists

These options exist for your convenience.


Additional tags to include in break-around-tags.

Type: Array
Default: null


Additional attributes to include in remove-attributes.

Type: Array
Default: null


Additional tags to include in remove-tags.

Type: Array
Default: null

Global installation

If this package is installed globally, it can be used from the command line:

$ cat crappy.html | clean-html

Instead of piping the input from another program, you can supply a filename as the first argument:

$ clean-html crappy.html

You can redirect the output to another file:

$ clean-html crappy.html > clean.html

Or you can edit the file in place:

$ clean-html crappy.html --in-place

All of the options above can be used from the command line. Array option values should be separated by commas:

$ clean-html crappy.html --add-remove-tags b,i,u

Boolean options can be set to true like this:

$ clean-html crappy.html --remove-comments

Or like this

$ clean-html crappy.html --remove-comments true

They can be set to false like this:

$ clean-html crappy.html --remove-comments false