When cdk synth --no-staging is run, it should still refer to the lambda file that has been developed, to enable local development and debugging. I would expect the aws:asset:path to...
Hey, I think this would be a simple addition. Can we add PointInTimeRecovery to simple table. The cloud formation equivalent would be: PointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: true I'm happy to pick this...
Hey, Given the availability of aurora serverless and aurora serverless data api (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/data-api.html) making it simpler to manage permissions, are there any plans to pull aurora serverless into the SAM...
## :rocket: Feature Request ### Description Is there any chance you could create a lambda based example of gradual deploys with automated roll back if there are issues? ### Proposed...