lua-http copied to clipboard
Websocket internally errors "/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out"
This happens when receiving payloads from the websocket.
Shard-0 has stopped receiving: ("/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out\
stack traceback:\
\9[C]: in function 'assert'\
\9/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: in function 'http.websocket.read_frame'\
\9/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:394: in function </usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:386>\
\9[C]: in function 'xpcall'\
\9...s/marcus/documents/github/novus/lua/novus/shard/init.lua:183: in function 'novus.shard.messages'\
\9[C]: in function 'xpcall'\
\9.../marcus/documents/github/novus/lua/novus/client/init.lua:42: in function <.../marcus/documents/github/novus/lua/novus/client/init.lua:41>"
This happens regardless of if a timeout is passed to the socket.
The weird thing is when I request deflated messages (per message inflate/deflate inside my handling loop), I dont get this issue at all. The only time this happens is when I request raw json payloads. I'm using scm-0 from master (8ab5c30198446bbd8522acef200c1c4b8274328b) to fix the timeout issues on the release rock.
This might be due to the payload size, heuristically I know it's the biggest payload I'm likely to receive causing this error, however this is not an issue with other clients for the api I'm connecting to.
Could you run with the environment variable SOCKET_DEBUG=1
I'm wondering if your server is actually sending the data.
With SOCKET_DEBUG=1 it works correctly, and logs the payloads I expect to see, it only errors without the debug variable set.
it only errors without the debug variable set.
That's extremely odd. The debug variable should only add logging, not change any behaviour. Maybe there is a race condition somewhere, and the extra time spent logging is changing the winner?
That seems likely, is there a way for me to collect the debug data into a file?
is there a way for me to collect the debug data into a file?
Just pipe/redirect it? You can see it cut off reading here. It is crashing consistently it seems upon further inspection. I think I jumped the gun a little when it managed to reconnect previously.
I added a xpcall handler to inspect the internals here is an example of a frame which errors:
"RSV2": false,
"RSV3": false,
"RSV1": false,
"MASK": false,
"length": 12964,
"FIN": true,
"opcode": 1
Any idea what could cause this? When this happens my receive loop breaks down and I dont know if i can handle it without reconnecting.
Your pastebin link has now expired. Could you repost it? (consider using a gist?)
I'll try get some more data (I've lost the old log). What seems to happen is that the websocket cannot read the frame in 0 timeout I've made this line retry after a cqueues.sleep()
and it can take up to 5 attempts to read.
I should also note that I've not found any further clues on how to reproduce it aside from connecting without requesting compression. I think it's possibly some kind of race condition?
Why should these reads be 0 timeout exactly? In practice this isn't readable without waiting.
if frame.MASK then
local key = assert(sock:xread(4, "b", 0))
frame.key = { key:byte(1, 4) }
local data = assert(sock:xread(frame.length, "b", 0))
if frame.MASK then = apply_mask(data, frame.key)
else = data
This is a very naive solution I have been using to try and get a handle on what happens:
local function should_retry(timer) if timer then return timer:status() == "pending" else return true end end
local function read_again(deadline, socket, ...)
local tries = 0
local data, msg, code = socket:xread(...)
local timeout = deadline and deadline - monotime()
local timer = timeout and, timeout)
while should_retry(timer) and (not data or code == ce.ETIMEDOUT) do
tries = tries + 1
data, msg, code = socket:xread(...)
used_tries = max(used_tries, tries)
return data, msg, code
Calling this function on the socket in place of the xreads and logging the used_tries :
websocket.read_again used 5324 retries.
This makes me think the read_frame is not consuming the deadline somewhere?
Why should these reads be 0 timeout exactly? In practice this isn't readable without waiting.
There is a preceding :fill
that will ensure that there are enough bytes waiting in the socket buffer.
When the :fill
fails, we poll for readability, and then tail call ourselves to try again:
Are you still having problems? If I'm unable to replicate your issue I'll have to close it.
Hello, im so sorry i've not been more proactive with this. I'll try and get a reproducible example to work, and as far as im aware yes there's still something strange happening (it is mostly mitiaged right now by requesting compressed messages from the websocket but it by no means fixed).
I think being sent a large enough message over websocket is enough to trigger this. EDIT:
Mon May 13 14:32:22 2019 INF uncompressed payload size 6675863 bytes
It is usually this payload which causes this error when it is received by my client without compression.
Could you please come up with a test case that I can run?
i also have this issue
With litcord run the sample
It will say * BOT NAME ready.
then /usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out
With litcord run the sample It will say
* BOT NAME ready.
then/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out
Could you write a reduced test case? Trying to run that example I just get "Authentication failed".
You need to get a bot token by making a discord application.
Very odd. I tried it many times today and it usually times out but sometimes works. Seems to be discord having a very low timeout.
Someone more proficient at lua-http websockets might try setting up a simple server which sends a payload as big as what the server, discord in both cases here, sends.
I'm getting the same error
Seems to happen when there's a relatively large amount of data being received (in this case, frame.length was around 17KB)
changing the timeout from 0 to 1 on line 282 (local data = assert(sock:xread(frame.length, "b", 0))
-> local data = assert(sock:xread(frame.length, "b", 1))
seems to fix it (but I'm not sure if that works all the time, and maybe it causes other problems)
Got the same error
frame => { FIN = true, MASK = true, RSV1 = false, RSV2 = false, RSV3 = false, length = 1265, opcode = 1 }
assert (sock: xread (frame.length, "b", 0))
I got an error here.
The client version is RFC7692, is it irrelevant?
I have the same problem on websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out
. i run the receive loop inside a cqueue container.
Hi there, I ran into this issue, here's a small test case to reproduce. I just use a public echo server to send a large-ish string of data (about 12kb) and check that I receive it.
local http_websocket = require'http.websocket'
local large_str = 'some text! '
for i=1,11 do
large_str = large_str .. large_str
local client = http_websocket.new_from_uri('wss://')
local data, typ = client:receive()
assert(string.len(data) == string.len(large_str))
I have gained an interest in fixing this.
Also been getting that exact same error, did not check that well yet but average response sizes are varying around 70kb but sometimes getting larger. Not sure if it is just size here as I've not tested at all yet if I can consistently reproduce error with some specific response but thought I'll leave this here just for stats.
Any updates on this? I get the same issue. The server is in fact sending the packets, but the websocket interface simply times out. However, if I step through this slowly while debugging, I actually get the expected, correct result which leads me to think that this is some sort of race condition.
This issue, like the others above, only happens with large-ish payloads.
Would you be able to write some code that launches a websocket server and reproduces this issue using a sample packet? It's really unreliable for me -- sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
Any updates on this? I get the same issue. The server is in fact sending the packets, but the websocket interface simply times out. However, if I step through this slowly while debugging, I actually get the expected, correct result which leads me to think that this is some sort of race condition.
This issue, like the others above, only happens with large-ish payloads.
Sorry, just got back to this -- been pretty busy. Yeah, I can try -- I think I can make something pretty simple ( a C# console application) to demonstrate this