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[Analysis] Deploying with centralized infra

Open zelima opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

As a developer, I want to follow the README and be able to see running instance in the browser

Acceptance Criteria

  • [ ] Able to run empty ckan, with just following the REAMDE
  • [ ] Able to run existing image from ckan-cloud-docker (Eg: honduras, or any)


  • [ ] Try follwoing REAMDE
  • [ ] Document steps
  • [ ] List outstanding issue
  • [ ] Do analysis and try to fix them


Deployment process worked great itself. All serveces are up and running (including centralized infra). Only problem I have atm is that CKAN is not seem to be talking with centralized DB. Getting authentication errors

Password authentication fials to connecto to db. SQLALCEHMY_URL from secrets does not work

kubectl exec -it ckan-9fdf6b774-mbk4v -n first bash
cat /etc/ckan-conf/secrets/ | grep SQL
psql postgresql://first:[email protected]/first

Commands to deoloy ckan with centralized infra

export KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.11.10
minikube start --kubernetes-version "${KUBERNETES_VERSION}" --vm-driver=virtualbox

# Helm stuff
kubectl --context minikube --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
kubectl --context minikube create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm --kube-context=minikube init --service-account tiller --history-max 2 --upgrade --wait
# Check versions
helm --kube-context=minikube version
kubectl --context minikube -n kube-system delete service tiller-deploy &&\
kubectl --context minikube -n kube-system patch deployment tiller-deploy --patch '
        - name: tiller
          ports: []
          command: ["/tiller"]
          args: ["--listen=localhost:44134"]

# Centralized infra
kubectl --context minikube create ns ckan-cloud &&helm upgrade --namespace ckan-cloud "ckan-cloud-infra" ckan --install      --set centralizedInfraOnly=true

# Create namsepace and service account perms
kubectl --context minikube create ns "${CKAN_NAMESPACE}" &&\
kubectl --context minikube --namespace "${CKAN_NAMESPACE}" \
    create serviceaccount "ckan-${CKAN_NAMESPACE}-operator" &&\
kubectl --context minikube --namespace "${CKAN_NAMESPACE}" \
    create role "ckan-${CKAN_NAMESPACE}-operator-role" --verb list,get,create \
                                                       --resource secrets,pods,pods/exec,pods/portforward &&\
kubectl --context minikube --namespace "${CKAN_NAMESPACE}" \
    create rolebinding "ckan-${CKAN_NAMESPACE}-operator-rolebinding" --role "ckan-${CKAN_NAMESPACE}-operator-role" \
                                                                     --serviceaccount "${CKAN_NAMESPACE}:ckan-${CKAN_NAMESPACE}-operator"

# Shortcats
export CCA_HELM_FUNCTIONS_KUBECTL_ARGS="--context minikube"
export CCA_HELM_FUNCTIONS_HELM_ARGS="--kube-context minikube"
export CKAN_CHART=ckan

# Creating SOLR collection

SOLRCLOUD_POD_NAME=$(kubectl --context minikube -n ckan-cloud get pods -l "app=solr" -o 'jsonpath={.items[0]}')
kubectl --context minikube -n ckan-cloud exec $SOLRCLOUD_POD_NAME -- \
    bin/solr create_collection -c ${CKAN_NAMESPACE} -d ckan_default -n ckan_default -force

# Deploy (needs some time? or hang?)
cca_helm_upgrade --install --set replicas=1 --set nginxReplicas=1 --set disableJobs=true --set useCentralizedInfra=true --set noProbes=true --set ckanOperatorImage=viderum/ckan-cloud-docker:cca-operator-latest

# Port forward to ngnix pod
cca_kubectl port-forward $(cca_pod_name nginx) 8080

zelima avatar Nov 13 '19 12:11 zelima