Adeodato Simó
Adeodato Simó
There are several other packages that complement markdown-mode in order to show live previews in the browser (most use Markdown parsers/converters written in JavaScript): - [flymd]( very simple to use,...
@AsixJin Are your MD files inside a collection? A public repo (if it exists or you can create it) could be useful.
One thing I wouldn’t know how to solve is Kramdown’s support for [automatic table of contents generation]( Pandoc has --toc, but it inserts the table of contents in a fixed...
Right, I know. That’s fine, and not too big of a limitation. (And LaTeX export supports `\tableofcontents` directly anyway—which is nice). However, I thought I’d mention `{:toc}` here, since this...
I echo the sentiment above. I'm still running 0.12 because losing my `gh prf` alias/workflow is too high of a price for me.
I haven't been using BookWyrm for long, and after reading all comments my humble suggestion would be: _do keep the Feed header, remove the Discover one, make the instance icon...
Hey! Thanks for the quick reply. :-) Here’s an example HTML file, and the command I run on it: ``` html Hello. ``` ``` % python -c 'from inlinestyler.utils import...
Thanks for the investigation @jakejack13! What's easiest in this case is to simply invalidate the cache, rather than updating it (at least, that's what I've seen other parts of the...
Hello all! > Is the goal of this to run the checks locally before a commit is created? I understand `pre-commit` is often used prior to commit, though I find...
Hi @ccamara > @dato what you've described makes sense, but I'm afraid that's not how pre-commit works and I'm not even sure that it could be achieved using it (it...