Firefox-Mod-Blur copied to clipboard
~ The work on version 3.0 ~
Have been trying to work on it more and finish it up.
- [x] OneLiner.
- [x] Add responsive behavior to Oneliner for resizing.
- [ ] Extra modifications for many elements. Like changing searchbar,tabs height etc.
- [ ] Converting the whole code to work with adding mods through about:config.
- [ ] Combine all mods into the main stuff to be togglable through about:config.
- [x] Combine wallpaper edition to main files, automatically changes to blur when image is set.
- [ ] Create extensive list of all about:config mod preferences with previews.
- [x] New style theme (in preview) togglable with about:config.
- [x] Automatically adapt to the number of window control buttons(min,max,close) on linux distro without needing to manualy change the margin.
- [ ] Waiting for firefox to implement vertical tabs which could break a lot of stuff.
- [x] Keep updating the current v2 version with firefox updates until v3 release.
Trying to make everything changeable through about:config preferences is a mess as you need to account everything working with every mod file together and not interrupting each other.
Preview: (some colors arent final or finished)