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### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description 说明:Doris FE http port 8030 和 Yarn Resources Manager port...


### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [feature]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description 我在部署Doris1.2.6的过程中,指定Master角色是 slave1,Worker是master2,slave1,node4,但最后查看日志发现Master节点却是master2,导致无法连接,进而无法部署成功 我的第二次尝试是指定Master为node4,Worker为node4,同样的最后查看日志发现Master节点却是master2,这个节点我根本没有指定,但却出现在了这里。 比较两次日志法相,部署指令信息配置还是采用第一次的。重启work之后也没有更新 我不知道这个是不是导致部署不成功的原因 这是第一次部署节点日志记录 这个事只部署在node4节点上 ### Usage Scenario...

## Purpose of the pull request ## Brief change log ## Verify this pull request This pull request is code cleanup without any test coverage. *(or)* This pull request is...

### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happened DORIS的service_ddl.json中 DorisBE resourceStrategies 对官方启动脚本做了替换,将 /bin/limit3 替换为 /usr/bin/ulimit , 导致启动be失败 {...


## Purpose of the pull request ## Brief change log ## Verify this pull request This pull request is code cleanup without any test coverage. *(or)* This pull request is...

### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [feature]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description SeaTunnel 是分布式数据采集工具, 支持 流模式和批模式 ### Usage Scenario _No response_ ###...

Who is using DataSophon? Sincerely thank everyone who constantly keeps on using and supporting DataSophon. We will try our best to make DataSophon better and make the community and ecology...

### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [feature]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description 目前组件安装包需要先下载官方部署包, 然后要手工加入脚本或配置等制作成安装包 希望可以把脚本包含在元数据中, 然后在安装时自动进行处理, 无需额外制作安装包 从而大大降低用户的学习成本 ### Usage Scenario _No...

### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happened Elasticsearch arm installation package elasticsearch_exporter file name error ### What...
