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Fixes/Improvements for pets
Important Fixes:
- Fix Magma Cube damaging the player
Minor Fixes/Improvements:
- Reduce land speed for Wandering Trader, Evoker, Vindicator, Illusioner
- Increase water speed for Cod, Salmon, Tadpole, Tropical Fish, Turtle and Drowned
- Increase land speed for Skeleton Horse
- https://github.com/datatags/UltraCosmetics/pull/22#issuecomment-1237515494 + comment below
Apparently some mobs, such as guardians and bats, have hard-coded movement that they do in addition to pathfinders, so there's unfortunately not a great way to prevent them from doing it. So I guess we'll have to decide if the guardian/elder guardian movement is acceptable the way it is or not.
If that is not something we can really influence, then I would count that as acceptable movement (As I am also counting no movement at all from the Shulker acceptable 😅)
Btw, I just looked at how you fixed the Creeper Flint&Steel bug and if I understand this right, then this would also fix the "Interacting with pets with their breeding items" bug?
Yep, it should 🙂
I'm also working on fixes for burning and for elder guardian giving mining fatigue. An issue I've noticed with that is that there's no way to know which mob the effect is coming from, so we either block mining fatigue coming from legitimate guardians, or we allow mining fatigue from guardian pets. I'm thinking I'll make it a config option so servers can decide. (The same issue exists with the warden.)
Oh, okay...wait, so this
cancels all darkness effects from every warden, not just cosmetic ones?
Unfortunately yes
Oh okay...and is there no way to only execute this code for the entity that has a certain name (e.g. Chris6ix's Warden)? Or is it maybe possible to work with NBT tags? Because It's possible to target only a very specific entity with commands using the entities name or an NBT tag...
There isn't, here's all the information that the event provides: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityPotionEffectEvent.html
is just the entity that the effect is being applied to (the player), getCause()
is just a generic reason (like WARDEN
), and the old and new effects give you information on the type of effect and the duration and such, but there's no way to see which entity actually caused the effect.
I see. That is very unfortunate, but we can't do anything against it, so I guess the only option is what you said with the config option.
As I see right now, the first issue with the Zombie Villager is also fixed by the same fix for the creeper? Because you can't use the golden apple anymore...
I'm just going to test that real quick and if it actually fixes it, then ill remove them from the list above
Edit: Yeah, the fix works! The green particles still show up for the pig for example, but the item is not consumed, and the zombie villager doesn't start transforming!
I've fixed the hoglin and piglin changing, elder guardian giving mining fatigue, the strider shivering, and the burning protection 🙂
Alright, updated the issue 😁
Apparently the strider isn't fixed, and it seems to be something that's primarily client side despite there being an API for it server side, so there doesn't appear to be anything I can do about it. 😕
Oh...that's a bit unfortunate 😕 I guess we just leave the strider how it is then because it still works, it's just slow everywhere where there is no lava (Just like the normal strider)...it's not broken.