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google-cloud-storage not working proper - missing settings gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket | gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion
I've set up the cluster. During configuration I see that the offloading to GCP Buckets seems not to be working. I think it relates to missing properties.
I've followed the steps to use the k8s secret. But the json inside of the pod didn't contain any data. So I tried it with
helm upgrade pulsar datastax-pulsar/pulsar \
--set storageOffload.gcsServiceAccountJsonFile=bucket-pulsar-001-topic-offload.json \
--set storageOffload.gcsServiceAccountJsonFileContent=$(cat bucket-sa/bucket-pulsar-001-topic-offload.json | base64) \
--namespace pulsar \
--values values.yaml
Now the json contains the required content. But the UI shows me :
So I connect to a broker pod and do
I have no name!@pulsar-broker-677dbffbdc-jbkzw:/pulsar$ env | grep -i off
Values for gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket and gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion are not set. So I tried with
--set storageOffload.gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket=pulsar-001-topic-offload
--set storageOffload.gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion=europe-west4
but this is also not taken.
How to fix this?
After adding the values manual to config-map pulsar-broker
the offloading takes place. A manual "Offload" on topic level offloades the things.
But the "False" from the screenshot in the "Namespace" Details is still there.