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Curated list of quality open datasets
The WHO maintains a listing of known diseases at - the data download is only available upon registration and with a NC license. Is there an open version of...
A `datasets/country-geotime` to complement [datasets/country-codes](, with geospatial country information and time references. As "join" with `country-codes` the most popular "country ID" (_ISO3166-1-Alpha-2_ and _ISO3166-1-numeric_) can be adopted. The other relevant...
@rgrp as discussed on issue #108 moved to separate issue for packaging. Data set is the IMO Vessel Codes for all vessel types that have an IMO code. We have...
@rgrp They can be found at (in National Accounts/Annual National Accounts/General Government Accounts/COFOG) What do you think?
@rgrp would a dataset of global news organizations be something you would include here? Do you have any / know of anyone else procuring such datasets? If you don't have...
Some initial work in this project including a DB:
> The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected,...
UN M.49 is a standard for 3-digit area codes used by UN for statistical purposes. These codes refer a wide variety of geographical, political, or economic regions including continents and...