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[topic] Telecom infrastructure data

Open rufuspollock opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

Data like:

  • [ ] Location ownership of fibre optic cables
  • [ ] Spectrum ownership and management including allocation of licenses
  • [ ] Location and ownership of towers
  • [ ] Telecom operators
  • [ ] Pricing (esp backhaul)

For more including lots of detail on these items see @stevesong recent post:

rufuspollock avatar Aug 06 '18 08:08 rufuspollock

List of mobile network operators [Sub-Topic]:


  • [ ] Telecom operators Who are the leading telecom operators in the world and how much is there total revenue.


MuhammadIsmailShahzad avatar Nov 30 '19 23:11 MuhammadIsmailShahzad

I pointed out some solutions for the Rufus topic, question by question, below and now I'll be gathering the datasets to commit here later.

Data like:

  • [ ] Location ownership of fibre optic cables:

    • I don't know any place that can provide this info in a dataset available for free. I found this map with all submarine fibre optic cables, where I can scrap this data from SubmarineCableMap
    • This information is only about the submarine cables, the information about the terrestrial cables will not be easily found because it's sensitive data for the ISP's (Internet Service Provider) companies.
  • [ ] Spectrum ownership and management including allocation of licenses:

  • [ ] Location and ownership of towers

    • We can use OpenCellID from UnWiredLabs: "OpenCelliD is working towards creating an open cellular dataset that is driven and inspired by the community. This cellular data is used for a multitude of commercial/private purposes by patrons worldwide. From locating devices to understanding network coverage patterns; OpenCelliD enables it by providing convenient access to the data via an API and data dumps."
    • I already download the raw, 948MB of data, and I'll analyze it to upload to our datasets
  • [ ] Telecom operators

    • This information can be acquired on the same link as pointed on above on the topic Spectrum ownership.
  • [ ] Pricing (esp backhaul)

    • Backhaul pricing will be hard to get because it depends on which region do you want to connect, speed access, type of access (Radio, Fiber, Copper). You can get this info only asking directly to the ISP, informing point A to Point B and speed required.

iamraf-ca avatar Apr 24 '20 00:04 iamraf-ca

@toguko this is great - you can start collecting research info in this issue and then start wrangling datasets. /cc @nirabpudasaini

rufuspollock avatar Apr 24 '20 13:04 rufuspollock