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Historical Adoption of Technology
CHAT Dataset from US National Bureau of Economic Research Diego A. Comin, Bart Hobijn NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE CHAT DATASET Diego A. Comin Bart Hobijn Working Paper 15319 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 September 2009
The CHAT Dataset a. Use information on the invention date of the new technology to censor the data for the dominated technology. This approach however may not be optimal given that technologies, especially those that are antiquated, are adopted with very long lags in developing countries.
b. Observe when the distribution of technology across countries becomes stable (i.e. reaches a state that resembles a balanced growth path). Like the first approach, this may be hard to do when the study includes both developing and developed economies.
c. Use a different censoring year per technology and country which corresponds to the year when the technology reaches the maximum adoption level in the country.
This Dataset covers Cross-country Historical Adoption of Technology for over than 150 countries since 1800 to 2008 CHAT is an unbalanced panel dataset with information on the adoption of over 100 technologies in more than 150 countries since 1800. We discuss the main aim of CHAT, its scope and limitations, as well as several ways in which we have used the data so far and ways to potentially use the data for other research.
From Dataset READ ME :
This note accompanies the Cross-country Historical Adoption of Technology (CHAT) dataset. CHAT is an unbalanced panel dataset with information on the adoption of over 100 technologies in more than 150 countries since 1800. The data is available for download at: We discuss the main aim of CHAT, its scope and limitations, as well as several ways in which we have used the data so far and ways to potentially use the data for other research.
We hope that this public‐use version of CHAT will contribute to furthering our understanding of how the diffusion of technologies has contributed and still contributes to the standards of living in different parts over the world.
@Snekili @rgrp dataset is ready. view link: validate link: Please review it. (The data is very big so it takes time to load table)
@zelima I cant open any of those two links :(... Can you check why? It's taking long and it's because of size, but still wont open
@zelima I get this message ;
An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments.
If you are the application owner, check your logs for details.
@Snekili there was some issue on website I guess. I've just tried and It runs fine for me..
@Snekili This one is almost ready, could you review it?
@zelima I've updated Dataset Info so I suggest we out the whole Info text
@Snekili you mean placing whole "info" into README? @rgrp What do you think about dataset itself? There are 42000 entries. It needs about >2 minutes to load grid on my machine. Is it ok?
@zelima can we get this dataset moved to datasets please - then we can tidy up and publish.
@rufuspollock Done