awesome-data copied to clipboard
Can't see any bulk, consolidated dataset despite the pretty maps.
From Source Data Page
The GHG data displayed on the UNFCCC website are data from official submissions of GHG emissions/removals data by countries that are Parties to the Climate Change Convention. The original version of the data as submitted by Parties are available on the UNFCCC website at the following links:
For Annex I Parties, the latest submissions of GHG data can be found here; For Annex I Parties, the source of the GHG projection's data can be found here; For non-Annex I Parties, the usual source of GHG data is the national communication; the list of submitted communications can be found here; For some non-Annex I Parties, the source of GHG data is the biennial update report; the list of submitted biennial update reports can be found here; Some non-Annex I Parties have also made separate GHG data submissions to the UNFCCC secretariat; such submissions are available here. The UNFCCC data interface also contains data on population and gross domestic product (GDP). These data are displayed on the GHG data interface with kind permission of the United Nations and the World Bank, which are the primary sources of these data. They have certain policies in place concerning the use of their data and these organizations must be consulted before downloading population and GDP data for further use. In addition, data on country area is also provided on the interface.
For population data, the source is the UNSD Demographic Statistics accessible through the Common Database of the United Nations. For GDP (at market prices, constant 2005 US$) data, the primary source is the World Bank. For country area data, the sources is the Statistical Database of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).