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Terraform module for a kubernetes application

Terraform module Kubernetes application

This is a module that deploys an opinionated kubernetes application, consisting of a Deployment and its associated resources (service, service account, hpa, ingress).

The goal is to provide a "Helm like" terraform module, allowing simple k8s deployments with no need to reinvent the wheel or duplicate the code too much.

maintained by dataroots Terraform 0.12 Terraform Registry tests Go Report Card

Modules variables considerations

This module is intended to be as generic as possible. As it's not possible to know all the specific values upfront, all variables of this module are of type any. This is needed to allow creation of complex maps for the values. Also, kubernetes allows multiple containers per pods, each one with its own values, variables, etc.

All the documentation of this module will show multi-container variables. If your deployment only uses a single container, it is possible to omit the container name and it will still work.

For instance, you can use either this syntax :

name = "foo"

namespace = "bar"

image = "test:latest"

args = ["hello"]

ports = {
  "6000" = {
    "protocol" = "UDP"

or this syntax :

name = "foo"

namespace = "bar"

image = { 
  "foobar" = "test:latest"

args = { 
  "foobar" = ["hello"] 

ports = {
  "foobar" = {
    "6000" = {
      "protocol" = "UDP"

However, you have to be consistent across variables, you cannot mix styles.


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12.20


Name Version
kubernetes n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
annotations Map of annotations to add on containers. map(string) {} no
args Arguments to pass to the container any {} no
command Command that the container will run any {} no
environment_variables Map of environment variables to inject in containers. any {} no
environment_variables_from_secret Map of environment variables to inject in containers, from existing secrets. any {} no
host_aliases Host aliases to set up in the pod. map(list(string)) {} no
hpa settings for the horizontal pod autoscaler any
"enabled": false,
"max_replicas": 6,
"min_replicas": 2,
"target_cpu": 80
image The image to deploy. any n/a yes
image_pull_policy The image pull policy to set to the pod string IfNotPresent no
image_pull_secrets List of image pull secrets to use with the containers list(string) [] no
inject_linkerd Add the necessary annotations for linkerd injection bool false no
liveness_probes Map of liveness probes per container. Pass the regular terraform object as is : https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/deployment.html#liveness_probe-1 any n/a yes
max_surge Maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods during update. string 25% no
max_unavailable Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during update. string 25% no
name The name of the deployment. Will be used for all other resources string n/a yes
namespace The namespace where this deployment will live. Must exists. string n/a yes
node_affinity Definition of the node affinity. See below any {} no
node_selector Map of labels and values for node selection map(string) {} no
pod_affinity Definition of the pod affinity. See below any {} no
pod_anti_affinity Definition of the pod anti-affinity. See below any {} no
ports Map of ports to expose, and associated settings. any {} no
readiness_probes Map of readiness probes per container. Pass the regular terraform object as is : https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/deployment.html#readiness_probe-1 any n/a yes
replicas Amount of replicas number 1 no
resources_limits Map of resources limits to assign to the container map
"cpu": "0.2",
"memory": "256Mi"
resources_requests Map of resources requests to assign to the container map
"cpu": "0.1",
"memory": "128Mi"
name The strategy to apply. Can be RollingUpdate or Recreate string `RollingUpdate no
volume_mounts Map of volumes to mount. any {} no
volumes_mounts_from_config_map Map of volumes to mount from config maps. any {} no
volumes_mounts_from_secret Map of volumes to mount from secrets. any {} no

Example values


You can add an arbitrary number of env vars (key = value) per container. If empty, will be ignored.

environment_variables = {
  "container-b" = {
    "FOO" = "bar"


You can add an arbitrary number of env vars (key = value) per container, referencing existing secrets. If empty, will be ignored.

environment_variables_from_secret = {
  "container-a" = {
    "FOO_SECRET" = {
      secret_name = "foo-name"
      secret_key  = "foo-key"


You need to define the image for each container that will be set in this deployment.

image = {
  "container-a" = "foo:bar"
  "container-b" = "foo-2:bar-2"


For each container, you can add map of maps. At minima, you need to provide the protocol. Each pair of protocol-port will be used to create a service. If you add an ingress map, with the format {"hostname":"path"}. You can also choose a cert-manager issuer (refer to the issuers present at the namespace level). You can add annotations, and choose a default set of annotations (currently only traefik is supported)

ports = {
  "container-a" = {
    "3000" = {
      "protocol"                    = "TCP"
      "ingress"                     = {
        "foo.example.com": "/"
        "bar.example.com": "/"
      "default_ingress_annotations" = "traefik"
      "cert_manager_issuer"         = "letsencrypt-prod"
      "ingress_annotations" = {
        "foo.annotations.io" = "bar"
    "6000" = {
      "protocol" = "UDP"
  "container-b" = {
    "1000" = {
      "protocol" = "TCP"

resources requests/limits

For each container, you can set cpu and memory requests and limits. If not specified, default will be used :

Limits: 0.2 cpu, 256Mi Requests: 0.1 cpu, 128Mi

resources_requests = {
  "container-a" = {
    cpu    = "0.1"
    memory = "128Mi"
  "container-b" = {
    cpu    = "0.1"
    memory = "256Mi"

resources_limits = {
  "container-a" = {
    cpu    = "0.2"
    memory = "256Mi"
  "container-b" = {
    cpu    = "0.5"
    memory = "1024Mi"

Readiness/Liveness probes

You can define here the readiness and liveness probes (same object configuration) per container.

Type need to be specified as you can only have one type of probe, and then you need the define the values in the block. Support for HTTP headers is not there yet, will come.

readiness_probes = {
  "container-a" = {

    type = "http_get"

    http_get = {
      path = "/nginx_status"
      port = 80

    tcp_socket {
      port = 80

    exec {
      command = "exit 0"

    initial_delay_seconds = 3
    period_seconds        = 3

Node affinity

This block allows to define node affinity of the pod. You can see the settings here : https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/deployment.html#affinity-1

We cannot pass blocks as is so you have to create a map from it (aka adding the = sign)

node_affinity = {
  required_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution = [
      node_selector_term = [
          match_expressions = [
              key      = "kubernetes.io/os"
              operator = "In"
              values = [
  preferred_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution = [
      weight = 1
      preference = {
        match_expressions = [
            key      = "kubernetes.io/os"
            operator = "In"
            values   = ["linux"]

Pod (anti-)affinity

This block allows to define pod (anti-)affinity. You can see the settings here : https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/kubernetes/latest/docs/resources/deployment#pod_affinity

We cannot pass blocks as is so you have to create a map from it (aka adding the = sign)

pod_affinity = {
  required_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution = [
      label_selector = {
        match_labels = {
          "foo" = "bar"
        match_expressions = [
            key      = "security"
            operator = "In"
            values   = ["S1"]
      namespaces   = ["kube-system"]
      topology_key = "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"
  preferred_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution = [
      weight = 1
      pod_affinity_term = {
        label_selector = {
          match_labels = {
            "foo" = "bar"
          match_expressions = [
              key      = "security"
              operator = "In"
              values   = ["S1"]
        namespaces   = ["kube-system"]
        topology_key = "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"

Horizontal pod autoscaler

Allows to enable the horizontal pod autoscaler. Settings are self explanatory.

hpa = {
  enabled       = true
  target_cpu    = 50
  target_memory = 70
  min_replicas  = 4
  max_replicas  = 20


A map of annotations that will be added to the deployment. Will be merged with specific linkerd annotations if you set inject_linkerd to true.

annotations = {
  foo = bar
  bar = baz

Host aliases

A map {string = list(string)} defining host aliases to set up in the pod.

host_aliases = {
  ""   = ["foo.bar"],
  "" = ["bar.baz", "baz.qux"]

Terraform plan output with the example values

Example usage

module "my_super_application" {
  source    = "datarootsio/kubernetes-application/module"
  version   = "~> 0.1"
  name      = "some-name"
  namespace = kubernetes_namespace.mynamespace.metadata.0.name

  image = {
    "my-image" = "someimage:v1"

  image_pull_secrets = ["my-super-secret"]

  ports = {
    "my-image" = {
      "5000" = {
        "protocol"                    = "TCP"
        "ingress"                     = "foo.example.com"
        "default_ingress_annotations" = "traefik"
        "cert_manager_issuer"         = "letsencrypt-prod"
        "ingress_annotations" = {
          "foo.annotations.io" = "bar"

  hpa = {
    enabled      = true
    target_cpu   = 50
    min_replicas = 4
    max_replicas = 20

  environment_variables_from_secret = {
    "my-image" = {
      "SECRET_URL" = {
        secret_name = kubernetes_secret.my_secret.metadata.0.name
        secret_key  = "secret-url"

      "PASSWORD" = {
        secret_name = kubernetes_secret.my_secret.metadata.0.name
        secret_key  = "password"

  environment_variables = {
    "my-image" = {
      "USERNAME"  = "user"
      "LOG_LEVEL" = "debug"

  readiness_probes = {
    "my-image" = {
      type = "tcp_socket"

      tcp_socket = {
        port = 5000
      initial_delay_seconds = 15
      period_seconds        = 10

  liveness_probes = {
    "my-image" = {
      type = "http_get"

      http_get = {
        path = "/nginx_status"
        port = 80
      initial_delay_seconds = 15
      period_seconds        = 10

Resulting plan

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.my_super_application.kubernetes_deployment.container will be created
  + resource "kubernetes_deployment" "container" {
      + id = (known after apply)

      + metadata {
          + generation       = (known after apply)
          + labels           = {
              + "app" = "some-name"
          + name             = "some-name"
          + namespace        = "my-namespace"

      + spec {
          + min_ready_seconds         = 0
          + paused                    = false
          + progress_deadline_seconds = 600
          + replicas                  = 1
          + revision_history_limit    = 10

          + selector {
              + match_labels = {
                  + "app" = "some-name"

          + template {
              + metadata {
                  + annotations      = {
                      + "config.linkerd.io/proxy-cpu-limit"      = "0.75"
                      + "config.linkerd.io/proxy-cpu-request"    = "0.2"
                      + "config.linkerd.io/proxy-memory-limit"   = "768Mi"
                      + "config.linkerd.io/proxy-memory-request" = "128Mi"
                  + generation       = (known after apply)
                  + labels           = {
                      + "app" = "some-name"

              + spec {
                  + automount_service_account_token  = true
                  + dns_policy                       = "ClusterFirst"
                  + host_ipc                         = false
                  + host_network                     = false
                  + host_pid                         = false
                  + hostname                         = (known after apply)
                  + node_name                        = (known after apply)
                  + restart_policy                   = "Always"
                  + service_account_name             = "some-name"
                  + share_process_namespace          = false
                  + termination_grace_period_seconds = 30

                  + container {
                      + args                     = []
                      + image                    = "someimage:v1"
                      + image_pull_policy        = (known after apply)
                      + name                     = "my-image"
                      + stdin                    = false
                      + stdin_once               = false
                      + termination_message_path = "/dev/termination-log"
                      + tty                      = false

                      + env {
                          + name  = "LOG_LEVEL"
                          + value = "debug"
                      + env {
                          + name  = "USERNAME"
                          + value = "user"
                      + env {
                          + name = "PASSWORD"

                          + value_from {

                              + secret_key_ref {
                                  + key  = "password"
                                  + name = "my-secret"
                      + env {
                          + name = "SECRET_URL"

                          + value_from {

                              + secret_key_ref {
                                  + key  = "secret-url"
                                  + name = "my-secret"

                      + liveness_probe {
                          + failure_threshold     = 3
                          + initial_delay_seconds = 15
                          + period_seconds        = 10
                          + success_threshold     = 1
                          + timeout_seconds       = 5

                          + http_get {
                              + path   = "/nginx_status"
                              + port   = "80"
                              + scheme = "HTTP"

                      + port {
                          + container_port = 5000
                          + protocol       = "TCP"

                      + readiness_probe {
                          + failure_threshold     = 3
                          + initial_delay_seconds = 15
                          + period_seconds        = 10
                          + success_threshold     = 1
                          + timeout_seconds       = 5

                          + tcp_socket {
                              + port = "5000"

                      + resources {
                          + limits {
                              + cpu    = "0.2"
                              + memory = "256Mi"

                          + requests {
                              + cpu    = "0.1"
                              + memory = "128Mi"

                      + volume_mount {
                          + mount_path        = (known after apply)
                          + mount_propagation = (known after apply)
                          + name              = (known after apply)
                          + read_only         = (known after apply)
                          + sub_path          = (known after apply)

                  + image_pull_secrets {
                      + name = (known after apply)

                  + volume {
                      + name = (known after apply)

                      + config_map {
                          + default_mode = (known after apply)
                          + name         = (known after apply)

                          + items {
                              + key  = (known after apply)
                              + mode = (known after apply)
                              + path = (known after apply)

                      + secret {
                          + default_mode = (known after apply)
                          + optional     = (known after apply)
                          + secret_name  = (known after apply)

                          + items {
                              + key  = (known after apply)
                              + mode = (known after apply)
                              + path = (known after apply)

  # module.my_super_application.kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler.hpa["hpa"] will be created
  + resource "kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler" "hpa" {
      + id = (known after apply)

      + metadata {
          + generation       = (known after apply)
          + labels           = {
              + "app" = "some-name"
          + name             = "some-name"
          + namespace        = "my-namespace"

      + spec {
          + max_replicas                      = 20
          + min_replicas                      = 4
          + target_cpu_utilization_percentage = 50

          + scale_target_ref {
              + api_version = "apps/v1"
              + kind        = "Deployment"
              + name        = "some-name"

  # module.my_super_application.kubernetes_ingress.ingress["my-image-5000"] will be created
  + resource "kubernetes_ingress" "ingress" {
      + id                     = (known after apply)
      + load_balancer_ingress  = (known after apply)
      + wait_for_load_balancer = false

      + metadata {
          + annotations      = {
              + "cert-manager.io/issuer"      = "letsencrypt-prod"
              + "foo.annotations.io"          = "bar"
              + "kubernetes.io/ingress.class" = "traefik"
          + generation       = (known after apply)
          + name             = "some-name-my-image-5000"
          + namespace        = "my-namespace"
          + resource_version = (known after apply)
          + self_link        = (known after apply)
          + uid              = (known after apply)

      + spec {

          + rule {
              + host = "foo.example.com"

              + http {
                  + path {
                      + backend {
                          + service_name = "some-name"
                          + service_port = "5000"

          + tls {
              + hosts       = [
                  + "foo.example.com",
              + secret_name = "some-name-my-image-5000"

  # module.my_super_application.kubernetes_service.k8s_service will be created
  + resource "kubernetes_service" "k8s_service" {
      + id                    = (known after apply)
      + load_balancer_ingress = (known after apply)

      + metadata {
          + generation       = (known after apply)
          + labels           = {
              + "app" = "some-name"
          + name             = "some-name"
          + namespace        = "my-namespace"

      + spec {
          + cluster_ip                  = (known after apply)
          + external_traffic_policy     = (known after apply)
          + publish_not_ready_addresses = false
          + selector                    = {
              + "app" = "some-name"
          + session_affinity            = "None"
          + type                        = "ClusterIP"

          + port {
              + name        = "tcp-5000"
              + node_port   = (known after apply)
              + port        = 5000
              + protocol    = "TCP"
              + target_port = "5000"

  # module.my_super_application.kubernetes_service_account.serviceaccount will be created
  + resource "kubernetes_service_account" "serviceaccount" {
      + automount_service_account_token = true
      + default_secret_name             = (known after apply)
      + id                              = (known after apply)

      + metadata {
          + generation       = (known after apply)
          + labels           = {
              + "app" = "some-name"
          + name             = "some-name"
          + namespace        = "my-namespace"

Plan: 5 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.



No output.


Contributions to this repository are very welcome! Found a bug or do you have a suggestion? Please open an issue. Do you know how to fix it? Pull requests are welcome as well! To get you started faster, a Makefile is provided.

Make sure to install Terraform, Go (for automated testing) and Make (optional, if you want to use the Makefile) on your computer. Install tflint to be able to run the linting.

  • Setup tools & dependencies: make tools
  • Format your code: make fmt
  • Linting: make lint
  • Run tests: make test (or go test -timeout 2h ./... without Make)

To run the automated tests, you need to be logged in to a kubernetes cluster. We use k3s in the test pipelines.


MIT license. Please see LICENSE for details.