dbatools copied to clipboard
Module Import Not Thread Safe
Verified issue does not already exist?
I have searched and found no existing issue
What error did you receive?
Import-Command: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\rstone\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\dbatools\2.0.3\dbatools.dat' because it is being used by another process.
Steps to Reproduce
$test = 1..10 | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 5 -Parallel {
$thread = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread
$mod = Get-Module -Name DBATools
$dbstools = $null -ne $mod
if (-not $dbstools) {
Import-Module -Name dbatools -Function 'Find-DbaInstance'
$count = (Get-Command -Module dbatools).Count
ManagedThreadId = $thread.ManagedThreadId
dbstools = $dbstools
count = $count
$test | ft *
Please confirm that you are running the most recent version of dbatools
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
2 0 3 -1
Other details or mentions
All errors go away if I provide locking code to force imports to be sequential. This might seem really bad, but it only is required to load the modules on the the "ThrottleLimit" number of threads.
The data file is locked for write? Should it be able to share the read? If not, provide thread safety where required rather than on the entire module?
The results still looked okay for the "1..10 | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 5 -Parallel" test.
PID ManagedThreadId dbstools count
--- --------------- -------- -----
27848 34 False 1
27848 32 False 1
27848 40 True 1
27848 41 True 1
27848 42 True 1
27848 43 True 1
27848 44 True 1
27848 36 False 1
27848 33 False 1
27848 35 False 1
When pushed, the result can be different on different threads. For example "1..100 | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 10 -Parallel" has a lot of errors and the cmdlet counts are not always that expected. I've done tests importing all cmdlets and see only 10 loaded on some threads. Here, I have been trying to load 1 and see all loaded sometimes. Never know what you get when thread unsafe.
PID ManagedThreadId dbstools count
--- --------------- -------- -----
27848 110 True 1
27848 109 True 1
27848 108 True 1
27848 32 False 1
27848 16 False 1
27848 7 False 687
27848 23 False 1
27848 29 False 687
27848 31 False 1
27848 18 False 687
27848 49 False 687
Here is a thread safe version. No errors. The first 2 threads process everything before 8 threads are done importing the module. In a real case, searching for instances on many servers would take long enough to allow all threads time to get some real work done.
$fileLock = [System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim]::new()
$test = 1..100 | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 10 -Parallel {
$managedThreadId = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
$mod = Get-Module -Name DBATools
$dbstools = $null -ne $mod
if (-not $dbstools) {
$wait = $true
$lock = $using:fileLock
try {
Write-Host "Thread $managedThreadId`: Waiting for lock..."
Write-Host "Thread $managedThreadId`: Importing module..."
Import-Module -Name dbatools -Function 'Find-DbaInstance'
finally {
if ($lock.IsWriteLockHeld) {
Write-Host "Thread $managedThreadId`: Lock released."
else {
$wait = $false
$count = (Get-Command -Module dbatools).Count
ManagedThreadId = $managedThreadId
dbstools = $dbstools
count = $count
wait = $wait
$test | ft *
PID ManagedThreadId dbstools count wait
--- --------------- -------- ----- ----
27848 123 False 1 True
27848 82 True 1 False
27848 83 True 1 False
27848 3 True 1 False
27848 125 False 1 True
27848 37 True 1 False
27848 153 True 1 False
27848 154 True 1 False
27848 124 False 1 True
27848 131 False 1 True
27848 132 False 1 True
27848 134 False 1 True
27848 78 False 1 True
27848 79 False 1 True
27848 80 False 1 True
27848 81 False 1 True
What PowerShell host was used when producing this error
VS Code (integrated terminal)
PowerShell Host Version
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 7.3.4
PSEdition Core
GitCommitId 7.3.4
OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045
Platform Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
WSManStackVersion 3.0
SQL Server Edition and Build number
.NET Framework Version
.NET 7.0.5
PSChildName Version
----------- -------
v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927
v3.0 3.0.30729.4926
Windows Communication Foundation 3.0.4506.4926
Windows Presentation Foundation 3.0.6920.4902
v3.5 3.5.30729.4926
Client 4.8.04084
Full 4.8.04084
thanks for the report, that's a bummer, i put a check in. any suggestions?
hi @potatoqualitee . This may be know to you but for the casual reader it may be beneficial a recap. If Import-Command indeed uses File.Open(Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) and it cannot be changed there's no way around it. Without passing a third argument to File.Open (the FileShare enum) the lock is exclusive, as its the default.
It's easily reproducible opening two PS consoles and doing
$fpath = "c:\some\path\to\file.txt"
$x = [io.file]::Open($fpath, 'Open', 'Read')
you'll see the second blocked, until you call $x.Close()
on the first one.
If we could tweak a bit the importer in some way, the lock-free way to do it would be
$fpath = "c:\some\path\to\file.txt"
$x = [io.file]::Open($fpath, 'Open', 'Read', 'Read')
if you try this version it'll work in both consoles.
edit: fffffffffff . I now see Import-Command comes from the dbatools.library. If we can edit that, https://github.com/dataplat/dbatools.library/blob/d2519ad5e0429f5f43cbc1d7cdbb0925fd119314/project/dbatools/Commands/ImportCommandCommand.cs#L38 needs to be
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
Should there still be a loop to wait a few seconds just in case something else locks the file (e.g., a virus checker scanning script)? Is using a test for write access to much when read access is required?
I'd say leave the check for things out of dbatools' control, but given we can make something better allowing import-command to share the .dat while reading ... why not ?
BTW: a simple test for read access should be enough, so ::OpenRead(
instead of ::OpenWrite(
should suffice
Is the dbatools.library something I can change on my system to test this? Seems like there used to be a "all" file of some sort with everything. I could hack it to make a simple change. Don't see that now.
The library is now a separate module that will also import into each thread you create. AllCommands.ps1 is no longer used, that was replaced with the dat file.
working on this now
is some progress on this issue with multithread? As we also are experiencing this issue from long time and waiting for new DBATOOL version with this issue fixed.
I'm wondering if the write access acts as a thread block and prevents more problems than it creates. What other shared resources (e.g., temp files, tables, settings, etc.) are being used by multiple threads during the module import and after?
Some preference variable values are reset, so I suspect the global and module scopes are local to each thread. At least memory is thread safe. BTW, here is something that should scare anybody using -parallel. (Some preference variables are copied to each thread correctly, but the most important one is not.)
$global:WhatIfPreference = $true
1..2 | ForEach-Object -Parallel {$WhatIfPreference}
1..2 | ForEach-Object -Parallel {$WhatIfPreference=$using:WhatIfPreference; $WhatIfPreference} # fix
Hello guys,
is there any discussion to fix this problem soon that in next release we can find this fixed?
No updates to provide at this time.