dbatools icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dbatools copied to clipboard


Open potatoqualitee opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

Is this a feature OR bug:

feature after 1.0



Turn @sirsql's SQL script into a command


The output should be easily readable, perhaps with a corresponding bar in a column called Visual (or something) in place of his output to excel ps1.


/**********************************************************************************************************	 *
* 																											 *
* Name:	Backup Test Harness.sql (version 1.0 2012-12-11)													 *
*																											 *
* Author: Nicholas Cain, http://sirsql.net																	 *
*																											 *
* Purpose: This script is written for the purposes of performing multiple backups of a database using 		 *
*		different MAXTRANSFERSIZE & BUFFERCOUNT values as well as different numbers of backup files. 		 *
*		This is done in an attempt to identify the optimal settings that can be used to minimize backup 	 *
*		times.				  																				 *
* 																											 *
* Notes:																								  	 *
*	When executed the script will create a job on the SQL instance. This job, when executed will perform	 *
*	(at minimum) 40 backups. 																				 *
* 																										  	 *
*	Firstly all the specified maxtranfersize and buffercount combinations will be tested to a nul file. This *
*	will give a value showing the absolute fastest possible backup speed (as it reads all of the pages from  *
*	the database).																						  	 *
* 																										  	 *
*	Next it will move on and perform the same tests with one file, and continue with more files up to the    *
*	limit specified in @MaxBackupFiles.																	  	 *
* 																										  	 *
* 																										  	 *
*	Variables used & purpose:																				 *
* 		@DatabaseName		-	The name of the database you want to test the backups with					 *
* 		@MaxBackupFiles	-	The maximum number of backup files you want to write to							 *
* 		@BackupFolder		-	The destination folder for the backups										 *
* 		@WithCompression	-	Whether or not to use SQL Server compression (SQL 2008+)					 *
* 		@CreateJob		-	This creates a SQL agent job which can be executed to perform the tests			 *
* 		@JobLogFileName	-	The path and filename of the log for the job (used for evaluating data)			 *
* 		@OutputToScreen	-	Outputs the backup commands to the screen ready for copy/paste/execution		 *
* 																										  	 *
* 																										  	 *
*	Additional adjustments that can be made:																 *
* 		@MaxTransferSize table variable contains a list of sizes. Add/remove entries based on preference.	 *
* 				The currently used sizes are a good starting point										  	 *
* 																										  	 *
* 		@BufferCount table variable contains a list of different buffercount sizes. The current sizes are	 *
* 					a good starting point. *WARNING* Higher buffercount values along with high 			  	 *
* 					maxtransfersize values will cause SQL to start paging out memory					  	 *
* 																										  	 *
* 																										  	 *
*	Once the job has been executed the log file can be used with "Parse Backup Perf Tests.ps1" to asses	  	 *
*	the different levels of performance. Use the SQL Server errorlog to look for backup settings that have   *
*	caused memory paging in SQL Server (look for "A significant part of sql server process memory has been   *
*	paged out. This may result in a performance degradation")												 *
*																											 *
*	WARNING: Performing this many backup tests (with all the various settings can and will impact your 		 *
*			server performance. Be aware of	this. Do not cause issues for your users when performing the 	 *
*			tests, they will not like you for it.															 *
* 																										  	 *
*	For more information on backup tuning see the videos at http://midnightdba.itbookworm.com/Admin.aspx	 *
*																										  	 *
*	Issues or concerns with this script please contact me - Nic Cain at [email protected]						 *
*																										 	 *


/* Declare the variables we'll use for our settings */
DECLARE @DatabaseName NVARCHAR(128) ,
    @MaxBackupFiles TINYINT ,
    @BackupFolder NVARCHAR(500) ,
    @WithCompression TINYINT ,
    @CreateJob TINYINT ,
    @JobLogFileName NVARCHAR(500) ,
    @OutputToScreen TINYINT

/* Enter the values here for your backup testing */
SELECT  @DatabaseName = 'AdminDB' ,		
        @MaxBackupFiles = 2 ,			
        @BackupFolder = 'C:\Backup' ,	
        @WithCompression = 1 ,			
        @CreateJob = 1 ,				
        @JobLogFileName = 'C:\Backup\Backup.log' , 
        @OutputToScreen = 0;				

/* Table to hold the possible values for MAXTRANSFERSIZE. Add new rows if you want to test additional values */
DECLARE @MaxTransferSize TABLE ( TransferSize INT );
INSERT  INTO @MaxTransferSize
VALUES  ( 65536 ),
        ( 1048576 ),
        ( 2097152 ),
        ( 4194304 );

/* Table to hold the possible values for BUFFERCOUNT. Add new rows if you want to test additional values */
DECLARE @Buffercount TABLE ( Buffers SMALLINT );
INSERT  INTO @Buffercount
VALUES  ( 100 ),
        ( 500 ),
        ( 1000 ),
        ( 1500 ),
        ( 2000 );

/* Create the temp table to hold a list of the files based on location & file count */
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Disk') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #Disk;

      Id SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
	  FileCount TINYINT ,
      Cmd NVARCHAR(4000)

/* Build our disk commands based on the max number of backup files */
DECLARE @FilesCmd NVARCHAR(4000) ,
    @CurrFile TINYINT;

SELECT  @CurrFile = 1 ,
        @FilesCmd = N'TO';
WHILE @CurrFile <= @MaxBackupFiles 
        IF @CurrFile > 1 
            SELECT  @FilesCmd = @FilesCmd + N',';
        SELECT  @FilesCmd = @FilesCmd + N' DISK = ' + CHAR(39) + @BackupFolder
                + '\BackupPerfTest' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), @CurrFile) + '.bak'
                + CHAR(39);
        INSERT  INTO #Disk
                ( FileCount, Cmd )
                SELECT  @CurrFile, @FilesCmd;
        SELECT  @CurrFile = @CurrFile + 1;

/* Create a table to hold all the backup commands, ready for executing */
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#BackupCommands') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #BackupCommands;
CREATE TABLE #BackupCommands
      Id SMALLINT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
      BackupCmd NVARCHAR(4000)

/* Add entries for enabling the traceflag to output the backup config values & cycle the error log */
INSERT  INTO #BackupCommands
        ( BackupCmd
        SELECT  'DBCC TRACEON (3213, 3604, -1);
		EXEC sp_cycle_Errorlog;'

/* Backup with default options for current baseline */
INSERT  INTO #BackupCommands
        ( BackupCmd
        SELECT  'RAISERROR('+CHAR(39)+'NEW BACKUP' + CHAR(39) + ',0,1) WITH NOWAIT;' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
				+ ' BUFFERCOUNT=0'
				+ ' FILECOUNT=' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), b.FileCount)
				+ CHAR(39) + ', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG ;'+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) 
				+ 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + N' ' + b.Cmd
                + ' WITH FORMAT, INIT' + CASE @WithCompression
                                           WHEN 1 THEN ', COMPRESSION;'
                                           ELSE ';'
        FROM    #Disk b
        ORDER BY b.Id

/* Backup to NUL for all the various options, this is the max possible backup speed */
INSERT  INTO #BackupCommands
        ( BackupCmd
        SELECT  'RAISERROR('+CHAR(39)+'NEW BACKUP' + CHAR(39) + ',0,1) WITH NOWAIT;' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
				+ ' FILECOUNT=0' 
				+ CHAR(39) + ', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG ;'+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) 
				+ 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + N' TO DISK = '
                + CHAR(39) + 'NUL' + CHAR(39)
                + ' WITH FORMAT, INIT, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = '
                + CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), TransferSize) + ', BUFFERCOUNT = '
                + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), Buffers)
                + CASE @WithCompression
                    WHEN 1 THEN ', COMPRESSION;'
                    ELSE ';'
        FROM    @MaxTransferSize
                CROSS APPLY @Buffercount
        ORDER BY Buffers ,

/* Backup with all the various file counts, transfer sizes and buffer options */
INSERT  INTO #BackupCommands
        ( BackupCmd
        SELECT  'RAISERROR('+CHAR(39)+'NEW BACKUP' + CHAR(39) + ',0,1) WITH NOWAIT;' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
				+ ' FILECOUNT=' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), b.FileCount)
				+ CHAR(39) + ', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG ;'+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) 
				+ 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + N' ' + b.Cmd
                + ' WITH FORMAT, INIT, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = '
                + CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), TransferSize) + ', BUFFERCOUNT = '
                + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), Buffers)
                + CASE @WithCompression
                    WHEN 1 THEN ', COMPRESSION;'
                    ELSE ';'
        FROM    @MaxTransferSize
                CROSS APPLY @Buffercount
                CROSS APPLY #Disk b
        ORDER BY b.Id ,
                Buffers ,

/* Don't forget to turn off the trace flags */
INSERT  INTO #BackupCommands
        ( BackupCmd
        SELECT  'DBCC TRACEOFF (3213, 3604, -1);'

/* Create a SQL job which can be used to run the backups (if option enabled) */
IF @CreateJob = 1 
            @TotalCmds TINYINT;
        SELECT  @JobCmd = '' ,
                @CurrFile = 1 ,
                @TotalCmds = MAX(Id)
        FROM    #BackupCommands;
        WHILE @CurrFile <= @TotalCmds 
                SELECT  @JobCmd = @JobCmd + BackupCmd + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
                FROM    #BackupCommands
                WHERE   @CurrFile = Id;
                SELECT  @CurrFile = @CurrFile + 1;

DECLARE @jobId BINARY(16), @JobName NVARCHAR(128);
SELECT @JobName = N'Test Backup Performance '+ CONVERT(nchar(20), GETDATE(), 120)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = @JobName,
    @enabled = 1, @notify_level_eventlog = 0, @notify_level_email = 0,
    @notify_level_netsend = 0, @notify_level_page = 0, @delete_level = 0,
    @description = N'Runs multiple database backups to assess performance of various options',
    @category_name = N'[Uncategorized (Local)]', @owner_login_name = N'sa',
    @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id = @jobId, @step_name = N'Run Backups',
    @step_id = 1, @cmdexec_success_code = 0, @on_success_action = 1,
    @on_success_step_id = 0, @on_fail_action = 2, @on_fail_step_id = 0,
    @retry_attempts = 0, @retry_interval = 0, @os_run_priority = 0,
    @subsystem = N'TSQL', @command = @JobCmd, @database_name = N'master',
    @output_file_name = @JobLogFileName, @flags = 0;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobId, @start_step_id = 1;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobId, @server_name = N'(local)';


/* Output to screen if option enabled */        
IF @OutputToScreen = 1 
        SELECT  BackupCmd
        FROM    #BackupCommands
        ORDER BY Id

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Disk') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #Disk;

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#BackupCommands') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #BackupCommands;

potatoqualitee avatar Apr 10 '17 13:04 potatoqualitee

I like something Test-DbaRecoveryTimeObjective...you can alias it as Test-DbaRto. I don't see a need to use the code area for creating a job, just let this be done in a PS script itself. If the user wants to schedule it for SQL Agent job then they can do that on their own and use like a cmdexec step or something....or no, we have this support -OutputScriptOnly and it outputs the T-SQL for all possible scenarios?

The parameters could then just take a hashtable or an array of values that you want to test on:

  • -BackupFileCount
  • -MaxtransferSize
  • -BufferCount

So it would be something like:

Test-DbaRecoveryTimeObjective -SqlInstance myserver -Database mydb1,mydb2 -BackupFileCount @(4,6,10) -MaxtransferSize @(65536,1048576,2097152,4194304) -BufferCount @(100,500,1000,1500,2000) -WithCompression

wsmelton avatar Mar 25 '19 01:03 wsmelton

If anyone is interested in picking this up after 2.0 release please create a new feature issue.

One for the long run after 2.0 if anyone gets time we first need to plan out how this would be implemented in one or multiple commands, etc.

wsmelton avatar Nov 24 '22 06:11 wsmelton