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Hint markup element and table column hint
Goal: Fast help for user to use charts
- New function - Hint(content: Markup, body: Optional[Markup])
When user hover hint body - he view hint box
If body not defined - use some default hint symbol, like ℹ️
- New property group for Table column - hint
If enabled - after column name added hint
An additional example of usage in a calculated field:
SquareTextField = Markup(SquareField, Hint(Markup("Formula is ", Bold("Pi * R * R"), ", where ", Bold("R"), " is", RadiusField), Bold("?"))
Goal: Fast help for user to use charts
- New function - Hint(content: Markup, body: Optional[Markup]) When user hover hint body - he view hint box
If body not defined - use some default hint symbol, like ℹ️
- New property group for Table column - hint If enabled - after column name added hint
@timka-s hi! We are glad to inform you that we've implemented hint for selectors and table headers. It is available on recent version of containers images.
An additional example of usage in a calculated field: SquareTextField =
Markup(SquareField, Hint(Markup("Formula is ", Bold("Pi * R * R"), ", where ", Bold("R"), " is", RadiusField), Bold("?"))
Could you please move this to another issue with more details of use cases of it
New issue for function: