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Python package for
There is an error with this repository's Renovate configuration that needs to be fixed. As a precaution, Renovate will stop PRs until it is resolved. Error type: Cannot find preset's...
An ApiClient instance is done by calling the api_client() function within the datadotworld module: import datadotworld as dw client = dw.api_client() currently the README treats api_client as though it's a...
**Problem.** The call `dw.load_dataset('...', auto_update=True)` won't run on AWS Lambda with the error: ``` [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/home/sbx_user1051' ``` The crash happens at `datadotworld.config:FileConfig.__init__`, at the line ```python...
Current version 1.7.0 under Python 3.7 requires downgrading pandas to 0.24.2 which is now quite old (1.2.2 is latest). Related to #118 but distinct.
Not clear what version of Python is required, and this seems to differ between pip and conda. Would be very helpful to have this documented somewhere.
Hi, macOS 10.15.7 , Homebrew Python 3.9 I'm getting a `clang` and `pandas` error. `clang` is installed via Homebrew and is fine. Pandas is fine in the virtualenv, too. This...
All the latest commits on have failed. As a result, the most recent version available through conda is 1.6.0, although people can still get the latest through pip.
Retire swagger auto-gen in favor of simpler implementation using `requests`. Start by getting rid of: - .swagger-codegen - _swagger - .swagger-codegen-ignore - swagger-codegen-config.json - swagger-swapi-def.json - Makefile (update_swagger_codegen target) The...
In a SQL or SPARQL response, the literal string value `'NONE'` (case-insensitive) is converted into the python value `None`: ``` >>> datadotworld.query('bryon/odin-2015-2016', 'SELECT ?value WHERE{ BIND("NONE" AS ?value)}', query_type='sparql').table [OrderedDict([('value',...