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All of our computational notebooks


All 38 of our computational notebooks. Also available as a CSV file. Elsewhere you can find our open-source software packages and tutorials.

date slug description
2021-12-16 groundwater-analysis Well completion, groundwater levels, and water shortages in the San Joaquin Valley
2021-11-04 LAUSD-2020-grades LAUSD grades analysis
2021-10-07 extreme-heat-excess-deaths-analysis Extreme heat excess deaths
2019-12-12 star-wars-analysis Star Wars dialogue analysis
2019-11-07 wine-country-fires Every fire in California's wine country since 1950
2019-11-01 deadspin-scraper Scrape posts from Deadspin
2019-10-08 ripa-analysis Racial disparities in LAPD search rates
2019-09-19 women-homicides-analysis The rising number of women being killed
2019-09-09 homeless-sleeping-restrictions Mapping a proposed ban on street sleeping
2019-06-13 native-american-census-analysis Native American census analysis
2019-05-29 la-weedmaps-analysis Mapping LA's unauthorized pot dispensaries
2019-04-29 census-hard-to-map-analysis Mapping hard-to-count Census tracts
2019-04-26 hsr-document-analysis How many pages can one agency publish?
2019-04-16 lawlers-law Does the first team to score 100 points usually win?
2019-03-29 swana-census-analysis Are Arabs and Iranians white?
2019-03-22 fire-aircraft-delay When wildfires in California have started
2019-03-12 hhh-unequal Some neighborhoods are behind on homeless housing
2019-02-27 highschool-homicide-analysis Homicides near high schools
2019-02-11 deleon-district-election-results-analysis How former state Sen. Kevin de León fared
2018-12-27 nyrb-covers-analysis Color and content of NYRB Classics book covers
2018-12-18 california-fire-zone-analysis California buildings in fire hazard zones
2018-11-18 helicopter-accident-analysis Helicopter accident rates
2018-10-20 hollister-ranch-analysis Agricultural property tax breaks in Hollister Ranch
2018-06-27 la-settlements-analysis Legal payouts made by L.A. city
2018-04-28 california-k12-notebooks Download and process California K12 data
2018-03-16 street-racing-analysis Street racing fatalities in L.A. County
2018-02-04 homeless-arrests-analysis Arrests of the homeless by the LAPD
2017-12-14 ferc-enforcement-analysis Civil penalties issued by FERC
2017-11-08 houston-flood-zone-analysis Houston homes after Hurricane Harvey
2017-08-13 california-kindergarten-vaccination-analysis California kindergartens with the lowest vaccination rates
2017-05-25 california-h2a-visas-analysis Temporary visas granted to foreign agricultural workers
2017-04-20 construction-jobs-analysis The demographics and pay of construction workers
2017-03-17 california-crop-production-wages-analysis Crop worker pay in California
2017-02-05 california-electricity-capacity-analysis California's costly power glut
2016-10-31 california-ccscore-analysis Water usage after the state eased drought restrictions
2016-06-15 la-vacant-building-complaints-analysis Vacant building complaints filed with L.A. city
2016-04-14 kobe-every-shot-ever Every shot in Kobe Bryant's NBA career
2015-10-15 lapd-crime-classification-analysis Serious assaults misclassified by LAPD