shell-genomics copied to clipboard
Utilizing the sanity check command, ls -lh, while downloading or mak…
…ing edits to files
The command ls -lh is a great way for learners to feel more confident that they are not working with corrupt files during their analysis.
Thank you @ralomba, and sorry it took so long to give you feedback on this. I agree that ls -lh is very useful. However, in the content of this lesson, I feel it is a bit out of place, as it is not used anymore after this point. I would prefer having this as extra content rather than in the 'writing scripts' episode. I am leaving this PR open for the moment: what do others think?
Hi @aschuerch! I think you have a great point - while this is a helpful command, it would be better suited for the extra content. I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a list of "sanity checks" at the end of the lesson as supplementary material? Perhaps as a one page document for learners to refer to after the workshop is over?
Thanks @rachellombardi for initiating this PR.
Quite late on my response, but I agree with @aschuerch's suggestion about including ls -lh
as an extra - specifically, as a special blockquote. Check Special Blockquotes section in lesson formatting. @aschuerch, is this along what you had in mind?
@rachellombardi, as for the one page of sanity checks, I think some of these are addressed in Key Points
section at the bottom of all lessons, albeit in varying degree.
I agree that this is perfect "discretionary" material for the instructor to use as time/interest allows. @rachellombardi if you do not see this key point already satisfactorily addressed in the "Key Points" somewhere, it would be great if you could start a PR to add this to the Shell Genomics Extras lessons instead: .
We use the "Extras" page as a place to store really useful commands that do not quite fit in the current flow of the lesson (but could be added later/be brought up by particular instructors). Going to leave this PR open until the other PR has been started, or you find it has already been addressed. Thank you!
I'm processing outstanding pull requests on this repository, in preparation for transition to the new lesson infrastructure. I am going to close this PR now due to inactivity.